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Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2021, not resolving detected objects


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Hi everyone, i need some help!

I have Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2021 installed in my Windows 10 machine.

I ran a full scan, it was taking ages so i stopped around 500k files scanned, and i had 14 objects detected as malicious tools, i selected everyone of them and hit resolve all. 

nothing happens that circle just keeps turning for hours. i tried 4 times and even left it overnight but nothing happens.


also another problem i have, I originally had Kaspersky Total Security installed and i had a Kaspersky Anti-Virus Key, i added the Key, and it switched from KTS to KAV, everything normal here till i get pop ups saying ‘’ KTS licence ended, Enter a kye? ‘’ like everytime i run KAV.



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