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K Standard 21.18 installation error

Go to solution Solved by tistou77,

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I am trying to install Kaspersky Standard 21.18 and I get an error that .Net is missing
No problem installing 21.17, I may have a corrupted or missing file but no error when doing a Windows scan

Does anyone know what additional file version 21.18 requires compared to 21.17 ?
So I can look

Thanks for your help

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@tistou77 Hello

I believe that you must install the necessary components for the app to function correctly, in this case I believe it would be .NET Runtimes.

See if installing RUNTIME solves the problem → Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (microsoft.com)

From what I remember, the version of K products version 21.17 performs the automatic installation of version 6 runtime components automatically.

Edited by Guilhermesene4096
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Theoretically, the problem should have been resolved 🤔

Could you test by installing version 6? 


Furthermore, could you provide more specific information about the error message you receive during or after installation?

Complementing what @Berny told you, if it is a problem with the net framework, I leave the link to download the latest version (4.8.1).

Download .NET Framework | Free official downloads (microsoft.com)

Edited by Guilhermesene4096
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This is a .Net Desktop Runtime x86 error


Even reinstalling this package, same error
I think it is a native Windows file, necessary for 21.18 (and not useful for 21.17) which is perhaps corrupted or missing

But to know which one

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I found the file, it's SysWOW64\ServicingCommon.dll
Not really related to .Net😁

And having only 64bit important software, I hadn't thought to look at 32bit (which is not really used anymore)

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