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Error while scanning the encrypted connection emxdgt, cs.emxdgt.com

Go to solution Solved by Danila T.,

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Hi I have this problem (see screenshot), it appear in random don’t depend about website or anything else, how can I solve ?
Error while scanning the encrypted connection e1.emxdgt.com
(The language interface of KTS it’s in italian)


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e1.emxdgt.com use a digital certitificate issued to *.gjh9s02701j4e.us-east-1.cs.amazonlightsail.com. This is a wrong issue method.

You can wait this situtation to normal in serval day. If this situtaion doesn’t turn to normal, Please add emxdgt.com to Trusted addresses in Network Settings of KL product settings.


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I’ve been having this issue with my kis for the last couple of days ever since it auto updated to the latest version.  On many websites that i visit with my Edge browser on win 10, i get a pop up “error while scanning encrypted connection with cs.emxdgt.com” message.  I’ve seen a few other posts regarding this but I'm still not quite sure what it means.  Is i something i should be concerned about? or is it a know software issue that will be addressed?  Thanks.

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 Hello @Agentgraves84


25th March 2021, update above, from @Igor Kurzin, indicates the issue is in hand with Kaspersky, he suggests using the workaround, select “Ignore and remember”. & @Anton Mefodys indicates the issue will be resolved in the next patch; the patch should be released in the first half of June 2021. 

  1. If the alert continues: add the url (e.g. cs.emxdgt.com) to exclusions via Settings → Network settings → Manage exclusions → Add → image 1 below
  2. Enable Private browsing →  block data collection  → image 2
  3. Enable Anti-banner → image 3
  4. Check if the same alert happens when using Firefox & or Chrome? IF “no”,  do a full Edge browser reset edge://settings/reset, then shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login, recheck “cs.emxdgt.com” alert? 





Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hello @MagnateXL


Refer update above, from @Igor Kurzin, indicates the issue is in hand with Kaspersky, he suggests using the workaround, select “Ignore and remember”. & @Anton Mefodys indicates the issue will be resolved in the next patch; the patch should be released in the first half of June 2021

  1. If the alert continues: add the url (e.g. cs.emxdgt.com) to exclusions via Settings → Network settings → Manage exclusions → Add → image 1 below
  2. Enable Private browsing →  block data collection  → image 2
  3. Enable Anti-banner → image 3
  4. Check if the same alert happens when using Firefox & or Chrome? IF “no”,  do a full Edge browser reset edge://settings/reset, then shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login, recheck “cs.emxdgt.com” alert? 





Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Buen día desde ya hace un tiempo se viene presentando el mismo inconveniente referente a la dirección cs.emxdgt.com y todas las respuesta que se ven del soporte son que se agregue la exclusión   y se le de la opción de ignorar y recordar y no especifican que daño o que web hace referencia esa dirección por mi parte no tenia ninguna web abierta y sale ese mensaje por lo que me hace suponer que es una infiltración aparte al momento de “ignorar y recordar” no se soluciona y de esa manera nunca se verán si realmente solucionan el inconveniente, aparte al hacerlo uno mismo acepta la responsabilidad por el riego que pueda haber proveniente de esa dirección así como lo dice  el aviso del kaspersky. Soy usuario de licencia paga y no me parece que eso sea una solución


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I have exactly the same problem and am getting exactly the same error message.  I note that at the very top it says “solved” but if it is “solved” why is it still happening

Hello @Legal Magpie


Solved means someone has selected Best answer.
Who can select Best answer

  1. The owner of the topic. 
  2. A Kaspersky Community Moderator. 
  3. A Kaspersky Community Admin/staff member.

Taking no 1, say for example you reply to the topic & the owner of the topic decides, "yes, the answer Legal Magpie gave me was good, it helped me fix the problem, I'll mark it "Best answer" → result = topic status changes to Solved

  • The owner of the topic may even mark one of their own replies as “Best answer”. 
  • Sometimes, Kaspersky Community Admin &  or Kaspersky employees/staff may say, "we have the answer, the fix will be available in patch x, patch x will be published in 2 months time"; they then mark their answer as "Best answer".  
  • Ditto for Kaspersky Community Moderators, they can select Best answer in a similar fashion. 
  • What happens if there’s more than one Best answer? Only one Best answer can be selected. 

Specific to this case;  @Igor Kurzin, indicates the issue is in hand with Kaspersky, he suggests using the workaround, select “Ignore and remember”. & @Anton Mefodys indicates the issue will be resolved in the next patch; the patch should be released in the first half of June 2021. 

You may wish to raise a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, it probably won’t speed up a “fix”, but, the more people who formally raise cases the greater the possibility that Kaspersky may pay attention. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Starting about 3 days ago, I have been seeing this popup:

My search for a solution led me here. As of this writing, the title of the thread is:

Note the word “SOLVED.”

I have been studying this page and I have yet to see anything that would qualify as an explanation/solution. Perhaps this is due a lack of reading comprehension on my part. 

I see this posting:

This posting by @Igor Kurzin is introduced in such a way as to imply that Kaspersky is investigating the issue and will provide an update once there is “news.” In the meantime, @Igor Kurzin offers some suggestions that, to use his word, constitute a “workaround.”

I am from the US and my understanding of English is that a workaround is not a solution nor is it an explanation. I see that @Igor Kurzin requested:

I’m sure it benefits @Igor Kurzin's record as a Kaspersky employee to show that he provided the solution to this thread. But based on what I am reading here, this is the reason this is marked as “SOLVED”  when in reality, quite to the contrary, it appears to me that it is not really solved.

If I’m missing something, I apologize in advance.

I’m using:

Kaspersky Internet Security, version (a).

Windows 10 Pro, x64

Microsoft Edge as a browser.

Please indulge me to the extent of pointing me in the right direction to find an official solution and explanation from Kaspersky so that I don’t need to rely on a workaround.

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Hello @aGuitarSolo 

  • Correct, the issue is not really solved, as we’ve already explained. 
  • Personally, we also think marking a topic "Best answer/solved" prematurely, i.e., before the problem is actually fixed is weird, however, our thinking is irrelevant. 
  • That's the process the Kaspersky Community (Insided, designers, admin, moderators) have created, that's what's been implemented, that's what's available, that's what is used. 
  • Regarding @Igor Kurzin stats, we don't actually know, however, we very much doubt his PIR/Christmas bonus are measured against “answered” Community topics. 
  • Don't you think, if there were another “official solution”, that was not the workaround, not the exclusions, not "ignore/remember", not waiting until June; we would have been updating the topic so that the issue is actually resolved? 
  • IF you'd like an immediate solution, log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support → follow the template in image 3 below, they will request Traces, Logs & other data, and then, unless something has changed, will tell you to use the workaround or wait until June. 
  1. Give a detailed history.
  2. IF any of the files cannot be attached to the Incident, don’t use Webdav, simply upload the files to any cloud service of your choice, create a share link & add the share link to the incident. 
  3. After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in their MyKaspersky account.
  4. When Technical Support tell you why the problem is happening & how the problem is fixed, please share their information, with the Community? 
  5. Warning, Kaspersky Technical Support use a similar “marking” system; we  can assure you, Kaspersky’s ticket management system is infinitely more aggravating than a solved/not solved Community topic. 

Thank you🙏






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I don’t consider this issue to be solved.

I get the same message. 

I have found the pattern. It appears every time when I visit page  https://www.speedtest.net/ with chrome browser and run a test. I believe it’s related to some add.

Currently there are options:

Add to exclusion (which I don’t want to since I don’t trust cs.emxdgt.com),

Details which opens page https://support.kaspersky.co.uk/common/error/other/13720?cid=KTS_21.3&utm_source=interceptor&utm_medium=product&utm_campaign=KTS_21.3

and Ignore (Ignore and Remember). According to details page:

  • Ignore the notification. In this case, the Kaspesky application will terminate the secure connection to the website. The website page will open without decrypting the protected traffic and may be displayed incorrectly. 

I’m not sure if I understand correctly. Does it actually terminate or ignore? I whish there would be an option to Block the page permanently. This should block all the communication with suspicious website.

Regards Matjaz


Today I started getting the same error as OP immediately after visiting speedtest.net, and continued getting it after closing the tab and later closing/reopening browser. Using google chrome and the free version of Security Cloud (a). See screenshots for Windows version and installed extensions.

Ignore and remember seems to have stopped it but would appreciate an update on this ASAP beyond “it will be patched in June”

Are you guys recommending that we add this exclusion cause you don’t think it’s dangerous? Why not tell us that? If not why ARE you comfortable recommending this workaround? Seems sketchy for a security company to give that recommendation without providing any additional information. It would be easy to draw the conclusion that you guys are less concerned with our security and more concerned that we stop pestering you about the issue and just wait for a June patch. 

Flood seems to be going out his way to be defensive rather than helpful, while at the same time blaming the Kaspersky Community and Technical support processes for the lack of a meaningful response to the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This showed up this morning for the first time on both my wife’s and my laptops. We found a common thread in that we had both visited the KOBO website at kobo.com

The wording of the error message is rather disturbing as you don’t know it the right thing to do is click “Add to exclusions” or “Ignore”. Logic and common sense would say “Add to Exclusions” but apparently Ignore & Remember is the proper thing to do. 

We are both running Chrome on Windows 10 but different versions of Windows. 

I see they have scheduled a fix from the PM above - not easy to find this admission (couldn’t it be posted prominently at the top of the thread?). I hope they fix the language in the error message to make it more obvious what the right thing to do is.

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Hello, I got the error “Error while scanning the encrypted connection with cs.emxdgt.com” and it is prompting me to add to exclusions (among other options).  

I don’t recognize this connection and am concerned about what it is.  

1.  I just re-installed a clean version of windows within the past 24 hours. 
2.  Chrome Browser with the following extensions (the browser had been opened already for awhile).        2a.  I had just opened a tab with the URL: https://www.chewy.com/b/nail-clippers-1430?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4cOEBhDMARIsAA3XDRhK61NFp6A4C4ZLRFuar9VY-Ejp7OEE8o7cwpZ7Buob62dCq5Y2VSIaAp0rEALw_wcB 

and another tab : https://www.thesprucepets.com/best-dog-nail-clippers-4152969
3.  I also had www.gmail.com up and signed in.  
4.  I had the chrome extensions for LastPass, Kaspersky, and Beyond20 loaded. 


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Same happening here.
I’m from Brazil, using Total Security latest version.
The only browser that seems (still) not to be affected is Brave (bravo!).
But yet, this situation show us that something is wrong, and Kaspersky doesn’t even know what is going on. I’m pretty sure some kind of malware KS doesn’t know just got us, since I can see some other weird behaviours on my machine since the last weeks but KS just says everything is fine. Looks like it isn’t protecting us as “totally” as one might think, unfortunately.

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“Error while scanning the encrypted connection with confirmsubscription.com”. I don’t know what “confirmsubscription.com” is and so don’t want to be connected to it or open it. Should I click “Ignore”? Or “Ignore and remember”? Are there any additional steps I should take to protect my computer from this website? 

Kaspersky Total Security

Microsoft Windows 10 Home x64 Build 19041

I have Firefox and Chrome both open.

Thank you.

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Hello @Day6


  • Ignore = one time. 
  • Ignore & remember = ignore now & for any future events. 
  1. Does KTS have a patch → either (a) or (b), rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About
  2. Open KTS, go to More Tools, Reports, in Time, select Day, select Web Anti-Virus category, save the Report as a .txt file, attach📎 to your reply please? 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

Additional reference, tutorial posted by @Danila T. What to do if Kaspersky show notification about emxdgt

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Thank you for taking time to respond. I selected “Ignore and remember”. I don’t understand what I’ve asked KTS to ignore. Ignore a request by the website to connect? From the wording in the message it sounded as if my computer was already connected to “confirmsubscription.com”. I’m sure I don’t want this website to be added as a safe website (exclusion?) and so by process of elimination it appears that ignore and remember is the correct response. Thank you for the explanation about reports but there isn’t one for today.  

I didn’t see any information about a patch. Thanks again for your help. 

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