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Android recording using time from midnight


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So, started happening 3-4 weeks ago - noticed that when kids turn on their tablets and try to open an app they get you’ve used all your time message and are locked out ( I have set for 1 hour per day)


It seems that ksk is somehow logging usage from midnight - even though the devices are turned off, my main culprit seems to be designated as a Tool, a minecraft map maker app. even so shouldn;t be logging usage if the tablet is turned off.


I have to then disable monitoring to allow them to use their devices.

Uninstalled, reinstalled, created new profiles etc…..


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started happening 3-4 weeks ago - noticed that when kids turn on their tablets and try to open an app they get you’ve used all your time message and are locked out ( I have set for 1 hour per day)

It seems that ksk is somehow logging usage from midnight - even though the devices are turned off, my main culprit seems to be designated as a Tool, a minecraft map maker app. even so shouldn't be logging usage if the tablet is turned off.


Hello @Al-12

Welcome again!

Two issues:

  1. minecraft map maker app incorrectly categorised by KSK. 
  2. Allocated time used, despite the fact the device has been turned off. 

Both need to be allocated to Kaspersky Technical Support, via a request, follow the Application malfunction, Other template, as in our image, note, as we don’t know your child’s device OS, we’ve used the default, please add the correct information; Support may request Logs & other data, they will guide you:



  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in the MyKaspersky account.

🔹 Please share the outcome with the Community when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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All files updated to support call.

Strangely it seems ksk worked off and on:

01-03-21 - didn’t work - had to disable ksk for tablet use as ksk stated time up on boot up

28-02-21 - ksk worked fine

27-02-21 - ksk worked fine

26-02-21 - ksk worked fine

25-02-21 - ksk worked fine

24-02-21 - didn’t work - had to disable ksk for tablet use as ksk stated time up on boot up

23-02-21 - didn’t work - had to disable ksk for tablet use as ksk stated time up on boot up

22-02-21 - ksk worked fine

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