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  1. 1- Did you see any answer on the original topic on my language forum? Yeah, thats why i raised duplicate topic. Also, i literally translated what's shown in the printscreens AND has connection with the topic i'm describing here. If you think it doesn't make sense, then you are not able to understand basic login infos in your account settings. That's not my fault then. 2- I didn't ever hit DISCONNECT and I have to authenticate my session everytime i try to log into my Kaspersky account. 3- As i said, your assumption here is just incorrect. 4- No, its not incorrect. The anti-theft system's design is pretty basic and easy to understand. Are you telling me i need to "read the documentation" to stablish a reliable session on my desktop that doesn't require 2fa on mobile device when it's exactly the point that brings me here? Lol, you must be joking. Google and Samsung have almost the same options that Kaspersky offers on Anti-theft panel and, look how magical is that, i don't need to authenticate my session everytime i log into my account. That's magic, isn't it? Imagine if Kaspersky just could do that ? 5- Funny, you send some random stuff like i haven't googled it or searched on Kaspersky blog posts before. By the way, they say exactly what i'm describing here. I think you should read some things before answer as you have adversatives when you are just wrong about it. "Se seu número de telefone se tornar inacessível, você não será capaz de efetuar o login no My Kaspersky" = "[...on the case you have been done the 2fa on your account...]if your mobile device becomes unreachable, you won't be able to login on "My Kaspersky" = THE EXACTLY POINT I'M BRINGING HERE ? 6- Plus info: For several I.T. security reasons, SMS isn't a reliable authentication resource. So it's something Kaspersky should refactor too, but it's subject for another topic.
  2. So, there's a obvious logic issue here that chocks me the fact that i didn't found anything related searching on Google before i decide to come here. How do you only offer mobile device 2fa options* (sms or authenticator apps) to access the web panel for anti theft, which the use case is mostly in cases where you indeed DON'T HAVE the mobile device? If my mobile is stolen at any circunstance and i'm interested in any of the Kaspersky anti-theft options on the web panel, what's the logic here on asking for authentication methods based on mobile device? What disappoints me is the fact that i found out this inconsistence by chance, and I would probably be helpless by a service i pay for assisting me over this kind of situation if i had been robbed. Ok, beside this, i have another question here, which is: how to setup the fast logon on my account setting of web interface? The description here of the "fast logon section" is something like: "Add services for fast logon Login in your account even fastly, in any device. add (button)" Everytime i try to add devices on this "fast logon" (which is the case basically of my personal desktop), i get redirected to another screen with login infos, with no clear description of what i've got to do. * I tried to find desktop authentication apps, but all of them are dysfunctional.
  3. Pessoal, existe uma clara inconsistência lógica que até me choca não ter encontrado nada a respeito em buscas que fiz antes de tentar entrar em contato com a Kaspersky. Como vocês só oferecem 2fa em SMS ou aplicativo de autenticação (ou seja, dois métodos exclusivamente mobile*) para fazer o login na conta que dá acesso ao painel de antirroubo de celulares? Se meu celular foi roubado e estou interessado em bloqueá-lo, rastreá-lo ou formatá-lo, conforme vocês oferecem no painel de proteção ao celular, qual o sentido de pedir por confirmação de código via SMS ou aplicativo de autenticação no meu acesso ao painel remoto? Essa realmente não faz sentido, e é especialmente complicado porque descobri essa inconsistência por acaso, pois caso eu tivesse sido roubado sei que com a Kaspersky eu não poderia contar mesmo sendo assinante dos serviços majoritariamente para me proteger nessas situações. Outra dúvida que tenho é: Como afinal de contas configuro o tal do logon rápido? Sempre que tento adicionar dispositivos para esse tal de logon rápido, sou redirecionado para uma tela completamente desconexa (print abaixo) com a proposta do botão que eu clico para adicionar a conta/dispositivo. * Me esforcei para encontrar aplicações de autenticação no Desktop, mas para Windows todas são disfuncionais. Além do fato de que e-mail é uma perfeita outra opção para 2fa que a esmagadora maioria dos serviços hoje já adotam e que daria conta de resolver, por exemplo, essa situação.
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