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  4. Hallo, ja der PC war vorher mit einem auf Windows Basis KSC Verbunden ! Ist das eventuell das Problem ???? Wenn ja wie bekomme ich das dann weg ???
  5. Всем привет. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как запустить задачу "Запуск процесса". Задаю следующие параметры. В результате "Сбой" Запускаю от имени админа. С правами все должно быть нормально
  6. Hello @GuiBesb, Welcome! *READ: Kaspersky for Windows, Background Scan - especially the parameters that control Background Scans* *As FYI - the Rootkit scan is run as a part of the Full Scan & the Quick Scan* *Second 'tip', IF (you) haven't done so, for Full & Quick Scans -> *after* running a clean scan, select -> Scan only new and modified files. Export Kaspersky Settings - see Manage Settings images at the end of reply. Restore Kaspersky Settings - see Manage Settings images at the end of reply. *Don't import Kaspersky Settings/config file while the problem is being worked on* Shutdown the computer using SHUTDOWN, not Restart, power computer ON by pressing the power button, login. Make sure Kaspersky Plus is running. Don't *manually* run a Rootkit scan, wait for it to run. IF the Rootkit scan does not *automatically* run in 36 hours *after* doing steps 1 to 5, log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data, they will guide you: Now the ORIGINAL config can be Imported. Please update the Community with the outcome? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 Manage Settings:
  7. Вы очистите кэш в браузере и попробуйте снова и удивитесь)) Не работает!
  8. Recently, I noticed that the rootkit check is not being done automatically, with the last time it was executed being on the 18th. It is configured to start automatically. Yesterday, I followed some procedures I found here on the forum: "Download new Kaspersky installer. Uninstall Kaspersky application, saving License information only. Reboot, power on, login. Install Kaspersky application. Run manual Database update. Reboot, power on, login. Make sure Kaspersky application is synced with your My.Kaspersky account. Recheck Rootkit scan runs within 24 hours." After 24 hours of performing the previous procedure, the check is still not starting automatically. I did a manual check using the command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky 21.17\avp.com" start scan_qscan. The scan did not detect any threats, but I would like the automatic scan to work again. If these details are helpful, I scheduled the database update to be done daily at 2:30 PM, the full scan at 3:00 PM, and the application vulnerability scan at 3:30 PM. Win 11 - 23H2 Kaspersky Plus
  9. всем привет. KESL на Astra Linux не подменяет сертификат, как это решается?
  10. Hello @Helman63, Welcome back! READ: Messages "Certificate verification problem detected" and "Cannot guarantee authenticity of the domain to which encrypted connection is established" when trying to open a website *And* has the advice from @Anton Mefodys been followed: If the issue occurs in all browsers: (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) with default Kaspersky settings, then it means that something is wrong with cert storage in the OS = most probably some certs in the OS certs storage are *missing*, or it may be that *access* is somewhere *denied* to OS certs storage. You may try to install *all* updates to your OS and retest the issue? If the issue persists: as a workaround in: Kaspersky Network settings, install Kaspersky cert to Firefox cert storage - READ: How to add the Kaspersky root certificate to the Mozilla Firefox or Thunderbird certificate storage and *enable* the option to Use Mozilla certificate store - READ: Use the selected certificate store to scan encrypted connections in Mozilla applications: Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  11. Yesterday
  12. Сегодня началась эта проблема после обновления на версию Пните пожалуйста тут когда пофиксят, а пока тоже отключил проверку защищенных соединений
  13. SOLVED! I've read into the Infos on the Kaspersky Website more and found the Kavremvr app there: https://support.kaspersky.ru/common/uninstall/1464#block1 It did its job splendidly, removed the broken antivirus so I could reinstal it. AND my mouse is working again, so the issues were indeed connected!
  14. En efecto, aparece bloqueado en prevención de intrusiones en el host, la aplicacion ya esta como de confianza, pero aun asi no funciona, que mas debo hacer? version de antivirus KES gracias de antemano
  15. What is going on? All was good until kasperski updated this morning.
  16. Thanks for the response. Must be a false report from user. I will continue to monitor.
  17. Version of your operating system: Windows 11, version 23H2 Name and version number of the Kaspersky application: Kaspersky Plus, Details the nature of problem: Hello! When I turned on the PC an hour ago, I've got a message that the program is containing an error (error status 0xc000012f). I can't unistal the program as some component and the folder containing it is missing and I can't instal the program again without reinstalling either. I can't open My Kaspersky either (thankfully I've got the KAspersky version from the Application list in Settings.) Also my usb mouse suddenly stopped working though it's fully charged and I tried different usb ports. I don't know if it could be connected to the antivirus stopping working. The Windows security system is on, but it had never interfered with the work of Kaspersky Plus before. screenshots of the problem and detailed description: 1) If I turn on the PC or try to instal Kaspersy Plus anew without unistalling it first, I get this message: 2) If I try to unistal the Kaspersky Plus to reinstal it, I get this pop up window. It's said there that the Feature I want to use is on my network resources which are not available now. It's also said that I shall click on "OK" to repeat the process or I shall give another path to the folder which contains "product.msi" file. I tried to reach the AVP21.16 folder, but it just doesn't exist. The Kaspersky program doesn't even have an icon now. 3) Last connection time was on 21.05.2025 at 14:34. After this I haven't turned on the PC until an hour ago. 4) The error window I get when I try to instal Kasperky anew. I would be very grateful for your help! Kindest Regards Julia
  18. Precisei adicionar a pasta raiz do jogo na lista de exclusão.
  19. Meu nobre, boa noite. Atualizei o banco de dados e fui reinstalar o game e mesmo assim ocorre a detecção do arquivo.
  20. @LinearGrid Technology Welcome. Your URL has been submitted to Kaspersky Virus Lab , the verdict will be provided when available.
  21. Hi! I am a web developer. Recently lots of people are getting blocked from one of my client site because they receive a warning saying: ACCESS DENIED Requested web address cannot be provided https : //www.royalmangrove.com/ Blocked by Safe Browsing Reason: phishing link Detection method: database For your information. I completed the process of cleaning and scanning the viruses. The reports appear to show that everything was virus and malware-free. Also, this blockage only affected the Kaspersky antivirus. Please assist me in resolving these issues because it's damaging my reputation as a web developer, especially because the client is experiencing the same difficulty. Thank you.
  22. Hallo zusammen, hab' mir auch ein paar Gedanken gemacht und meine vier Lenovos genauer in Augenschein genommen. Keiner ist von eurem Problem betroffen. Das liegt aber sicher daran, dass auf keinem das "Lenovo"-Windows läuft sondern auf allen ein Original-MS-Win installiert wurde. Die "HostAppServiceUpdater.exe" scheint der Updater für die (bei mir fehlenden) Lenovo-Zugaben zu sein. Diese .exe ist laut Bericht aber nur mittelbar am Fund beteiligt, beanstandet wird das, was die .exe herunterlädt und ausführen möchte. Also die in #1 genannten diversen "octXXXX.tmp". Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass es sich immer um die selbe Datei (mit unterschiedlichen Namen) handelt. Diese sollte an KL zur Prüfung gesendet werden. Ein FP ist gut möglich, schließlich handelt es sich um eine Erkennung der Heuristik ("sieht ähnlich aus wie ..."). Entscheiden können das nur die KL-Analysten. Vielleicht ist man bei Lenovo lieber übervorsichtig, es gab da ja mal was mit AdWare...
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