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Thanks. But, how can I access the below information? It's not clear... For L2TP and PPTP, you don’t need to download anything. Instead, you need to write down some information from your personal account: server address for connection username and password an additional encryption key (pre-shared key, PSK, secret key) authentication type (PAP, CHAP)
Berny started following Question about Disinfectation and Unable to activate trial license - Error 0xa04c002a
- Today
bravedragon joined the community
Unable to activate trial license - Error 0xa04c002a
Flood and Flood's wife replied to fayax's topic in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
Hello @fayax, Thank you for the information! Please contact Technical Support via (your) Kaspersky Company Account OR wait for the B2B Community to participate. Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 -
Unable to activate trial license - Error 0xa04c002a
fayax replied to fayax's topic in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
I requested for trial from here Attached is the email I got. When I entered activation code on KSC. License shows as Kaspersky Total Security for Business -
Unable to activate trial license - Error 0xa04c002a
Flood and Flood's wife replied to fayax's topic in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
Hello @fayax, Thank you for posting back! (You) need to provide *clear* information. KTS trial license & Kaspersky TOTAL Security for Business are not the same thing. Do you mean this: Kaspersky TOTAL Security for Business? Error 0xa04c002a in Kaspersky typically indicates a problem with SSL certificate authentication or network connectivity during an application's connection to Kaspersky servers. Network Issues: The device might not be able to connect to Kaspersky servers due to temporary network problems, firewalls, or proxy settings. Certificate Verification Problems: The issue could stem from a problem with the SSL certificate used by the Kaspersky application or the server it's trying to connect to. Outdated Software: Outdated Kaspersky Endpoint Security or Network Agent versions might cause compatibility issues. Incompatible Software: Other security software or network monitoring tools might interfere with Kaspersky's connection. *Ignore* our advice, we provided information based on (your) information, for KTS / Kaspersky Plus *Home* software. *Wait* for B2B Community to participate in (your) topic OR contact Kaspersky support via (your) Commercial account. Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 -
tunahansso joined the community
Unable to activate trial license - Error 0xa04c002a
fayax replied to fayax's topic in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
The trial license on KSC shows "Kaspersky Total Security for Business International Edition". I believe this license is compatible with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business? Because this is the license I got when I choose Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Trial. -
New Windows Outlook
harlan4096 replied to KempieBaby's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Welcome to Kaspersky Community. I guess so, if You set up accounts using this: "POP3, SMTP, IMAP, and NNTP protocols, as well as via encrypted connections (SSL) over the POP3, SMTP, and IMAP protocols." And also probably this module may be involved in the protection, when reading content inside messages: And of course, if You open directly a file or save it to your local system, in a message from Outlook app, Kaspersky scanning will be there... -
Unable to activate trial license - Error 0xa04c002a
Flood and Flood's wife replied to fayax's topic in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
Hello @fayax, Welcome back! On the computer (you) wish to test KTS (Home) software - is there any Kaspersky commercial software *installed*? IF 'yes', it needs to be *removed* it's not possible to run two Kaspersky AV products on the same computer; for Kaspersky Plus, read: Hardware and software requirements & How to install the application - NB, read *all* the documents in that section. *Also*, KTS is *old*, it's been replaced by Kaspersky Plus, the testing should be done using Kaspersky Plus Trial: Kaspersky Plus for Windows® KTS / Kaspersky Plus *Trial* licenses are *not* activated via KSC & OR any commercial installation. Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 -
Файл не восстанавливается полностью из карантина.
AlexeyK replied to Peter15NT's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Это если выбирать третий пункт "приостановить". А если первый (на заданное время) или второй (до перезапуска) - не включится. -
Файл не восстанавливается полностью из карантина.
Peter15NT replied to Peter15NT's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Обычно при приостановке защиты с помощью пункта меню из панели уведомлений включается автоматом Защитник, который может удалить файл. В общем, пока описанная проблема в начале темы прекратилась. Посмотрю, что будет дальше. -
ralkem started following VPN location errors
В настоящее время уже удалена, пункта настроек "анализировать статистику" больше нет.)
harlan4096 started following 入侵防御里面的信任项是自动添加的吗? and Unable to activate trial license - Error 0xa04c002a
Файл не восстанавливается полностью из карантина.
AlexeyK replied to Peter15NT's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Это вполне может быть, если, например, изменены настройки файлового антивируса. Предположим, в действиях при обнаружении угрозы было выбрано "блокировать". При такой настройке поведение будет именно таким: действия с файлом заблокированы (копирование, архивация, отправка через сеть...), иконка может не отображаться. Но при этом файл можно перемещать или удалять. Если приостановить защиту, файл снова будет полностью доступен, для появления иконки может потребоваться выбрать "обновить" в контекстном меню проводника. -
Unable to activate trial license - Error 0xa04c002a
fayax posted a topic in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
I have KSC with KES Currently I have Business Select commercial license. I want to try file encryption so I got trial license for Total Security. I have activated trial license on KSC by activation code. Removed commercial license from one of the computer and tried to activate trial license through KSC. I get this error message Error 0xa04c002a I'm unable to activate trial license on any computer. Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks -
ralkem joined the community
harlan4096 replied to xlstarfall's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Kaspersky products with Intrusion Prevention, add applications to Trusted group automatically if They have a legit digital certificate and/or They are in K. whitelist, and also if are very well-known (enough reputation) in KSN. -
杰德巴尔德 joined the community
My website has been mistakenly marked as malware
Hilaryp replied to Hilaryp's topic in Virus and Ransomware related questions
Thank you very much 🙂 -
Kike1989 joined the community
Файл не восстанавливается полностью из карантина.
andrew75 replied to Peter15NT's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
@Peter15NT, опишите проблему подробно, желательно со скриншотами. -
Maratka started following Файл не восстанавливается полностью из карантина.
Файл не восстанавливается полностью из карантина.
Maratka replied to Peter15NT's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Так быть не должно. Убедитесь что восстанавливается именно тот же самый файл, то есть сравните хэши оригинала до помещения в карантин, и восстановленной копии. Мне почему-то кажется что вы и хэш подсчитать не сможете. В этом случае попробуйте выгрузить антивирус. -
Peter15NT started following Файл не восстанавливается полностью из карантина.
Файл не восстанавливается полностью из карантина.
Peter15NT posted a topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Kaspersky Standard, Windows 11 Pro RU 24h2. После восстановления любого (как я понял) файла из карантина в другую папку нет возможности производить с восстановленным файлом какие-либо действия (добавлять в архив, отправлять на VT). Кроме того, при этом сопутствующим эффектом является то, что не восстанавливается его иконка. Это так должно быть? -
Whatsapp microfone block with Kaspersky Premium
Flood and Flood's wife replied to horstm's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Hello @horstm, Welcome! The document (you've) linked is for Kaspersky Small Office Security -> which Kaspersky Premium *version*? On Windows Taskbar *Hidden icons*, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select *About*? Which Windows OS version & *build*, in Windows Search, type WINVER - open the WINVER app & post back the information shown? For Kaspersky Premium, read: Como alterar configurações de acesso do aplicativo à webcam ou ao microfone. Do the following: *Export* Kaspersky Settings, read: Como exportar configurações. *Restore* Kaspersky Settings to Default, read: Como restaurar as configurações padrão do aplicativo. *Do not Import at this time* Check Microphone / WhatsApp in Windows Privacy? Uninstall WhatsApp. Shutdown the computer using SHUTDOWN, not Restart, power ON by pressing the power button, login. Download & install a *new* WhatsApp. Check if the WhatsApp microphone messages are still blocked & IF (you) can authorise the message? In (your) Kaspersky software, Intrusion prevention, Manage applications, WhatsApp - should look like the following 4 images & Window, Privacy, Microphone / WhatsApp, the last 2 images: Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 -
LERNERL48 joined the community
DsMạnh joined the community
xlstarfall replied to xlstarfall's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
有人能回复一下吗 求求 -
МБГ joined the community
xlstarfall started following 入侵防御里面的信任项是自动添加的吗?
xlstarfall joined the community
- Yesterday
pmanser joined the community
Please re-submit your payment details
Flood and Flood's wife replied to ecowitch's topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Hello @Andrew93, Welcome! Yes, that's a legitimate Kaspersky email; it's used to send emails to update payment details for a renewal of a Kaspersky subscription. HOWEVER - (a comment) Kaspersky *auto-renewals* are frequently more expensive than purchasing a *new* subscription & the benefit of *auto-renewal* is small, certainly not justified by excessive $ (ioo). Since Kaspersky released their *new* software range it's impossible for the consumer, to turn-off *auto-renewal* during the purchase - this used to be possible; logging a case and requesting *auto-renewal* is turned OFF can be done. This email (ioo) is the most ham-fisted way they could come up with to *re-enrol* Kaspersky subscribers to auto-renewal. They're asking you to re-enter (your) credit-card, email address, home address, phone-number - the whole kit & caboodle - we're shocked!! In that email IF (you) don't follow the instructions *auto-renewal* presumably should not be working. It's up-to-you - IF you wish to use *auto-renewal* then follow their instructions, otherwise, submit a request to have *auto-renewal* turned OFF; Kaspersky Customer Service, - select either Email or Chat, then fill in the template as shown; include a *detailed history*. Select (your) Kaspersky software from the drop-down-list (A). *Also* -> IF using Chat - *before* ending the chat -> ask the operator to email (you) a copy of the chat transcript - otherwise (you'll) have no record of the chat* Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 -
Berny started following Whatsapp microfone block with Kaspersky Premium
harlan4096 started following Whatsapp microfone block with Kaspersky Premium
Whatsapp microfone block with Kaspersky Premium
horstm posted a topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Hi, Since few days my Kaspersky seems like block microphone messagens for Whatsapp Windows 10 app I see a info message about it, but it not alow me to autorize it like in past. I try to follow this tutorial but no work Anyone has it too? How to resolve this? -
KESS on old/outdated OS (Advices and Solutions)
Tahmeed702 posted a topic in Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security
If you are using outdated operating systems, you can: Continue to use KSWS under the Kaspersky Security for Storage license. For Windows Server 2003/2003 R2/2008: buy a license for Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes for Windows or Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security (KESS) for Windows. Migrate from KSWS to one of these applications. The operating systems Windows Server 2003/2003 R2/2008/2008 R2 are supported in KESS for Windows 3.4. For Windows Server 2008 R2: migrate to KESW under the Kaspersky Security for Business license. Reference Link Kaspersky Embedded System Security Application package for all ATM and CRM machines including outdated servers like Win 2003 , 2008 R2 , Download Link Attached -
Request for Detailed Comparison of KATA EDR, KEDR Optimum, and KEDR Expert
Tahmeed702 replied to Bauree Tarky's topic in Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack & EDR Expert
Kaspersky Next EDR Cloud - Bloquea protocolo TLS 1.0
Vimaro replied to Juan Iriarte's topic in Para empresas
Gracias por su mensaje. En Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12.8, se agregó la opción de bloquear las conexiones de red a través del protocolo TLS 1.0 obsoleto. Para arreglar su funcionamiento, existen dos soluciones: Desactive las casillas de verificación para bloquear protocolos de seguridad obsoletos ( Esto ayudará a averiguar fácilmente si el problema se debe realmente al bloqueo de estos protocolos o no, pero mantener desactivadas estas casillas de verificación no es la opción recomendada. Inicie un caso de soporte en Kaspersky Company Account (, documentando el fallo con capturas de pantalla y trazas de la aplicación Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12.8 en el o los equipos que presenten este comportamiento.- 1 reply
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