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here is the question: please I need support I'm currently stuck at question 3 in my learning process of basic investigation which is a cause in the Kaspersky Cloud Pro I purchased 

I have solved the required question as expected. I arrived at supposedly the correct answer but the system refuses to accept my answer now I cannot further my learning for over 3 days now please I need the correct answer that will solve this problem here is the expected URL: \Device\HarddiskVolume4\server.exe but the system is not accepting it. please help me.


Find out if anything was launched from the connected flash drive. Remember that if a process is launched from an external drive, its path begins with “\Device\”
Enter the executable file's name:

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Posted (edited)

Thanks for your post.

Please submit a ticket in Kaspersky Company Account https://companyaccount.kaspersky.com/ adding following details:

Workspace ID: Unique code of your workspace


User ID: email that you use to access Kaspersky Business Hub

Once you log in, please follow this instructions to submit case (sorry, some parts are in spanish):


After you describe with all details within this thread, please click on "Send Request" and await reply from our specialists.

If you are not current user of Kaspersky Company Account service, please read before this information: https://support.kaspersky.com/corporate/faq-for-business-products#company-account


Edited by Vimaro
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