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Smart Home Monitor not acting so smart

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Why when I am at work on a totally different network, Smart Home Monitor decides to connect hundreds of devices from my work network to my home network? I have raised this before. Clear bug. I have no time to debug it for Kaspersky. Please fix this. I now have to go in and manually delete hundreds of devices from my home network when I get home.

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On 4/19/2023 at 11:19 AM, SteveDo said:

I now have 490 devices on my home network. They do seem to go away when I restart my laptop though. Will this be fixed?

Hello @SteveDo

Welcome back!

  1. This was raised with HQ. 
  2. There's changes to Smart Home Monitor in the latest version
  • A new section called Smart HomeSmart Home Monitor was moved to this section from the Security section. A new component Wi-Fi Analyzer has been added (available to Kaspersky Premium users only), which analyzes the Wi-Fi environment: Wi-Fi networks, their properties and channel distribution. Improved notification display logic when analyzing the home network.
  • ?You may wish to download - https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product & see if the issue persists? 

Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available?  

Thank you🙏

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On 4/26/2023 at 11:12 AM, SteveDo said:

how come I am never notified about new versions?

Hello @SteveDo

Welcome back!

  1. Kaspersky's version & patch distributions are rolled out progressively, over periods of time, across regions, according to their schedules, those schedules may change or be varied, at any time. 
  2. With all patches & versions, the distributions arrive silently, waiting in the background, for 168 hours/7 days, for the computer, to be shutdown, rebooted; IF, during that 168 hours/7 days, the computer is *not* shutdown, rebooted, at the end of the 168 hours/7 days, the Kaspersky icon, in the Windows Taskbar or hidden icons will turn *RED*, in the Kaspersky application - main window, the GUI icon will turn *Yellow*, the GUI will show a Notification, the Notification will read: A reboot is required -etc..., there will be similar notification in the Windows message center & in (your) MyKaspersky account - Notification Center. 
  3. Make sure you reboot/shutdown = power OFF/ON, the computer on a weekly basis. 
  4. IF a patch or version has arrived *silently* & the computer has been shutdown *within* the 7 day period, none of the alerts will be shown - the end user (you) will not know in advance. 
  5. IF, after updating to:, the original issue: Smart Home Monitor not acting so smart, persists, please log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts; on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in Application malfunction, Other template; please include any screen images of the error & a detailed history. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you. 

Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
formatting ||| added 5.
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13 minutes ago, SteveDo said:

Thanks...how come I am never notified about new versions?

Also kaspersky doesn't update automatically major versions only patches are downloaded via updates. 

I never got a major version (new build) via updates or notification. Always downloading from website. 

Other av have this functionality for checking new version in GUI. One click with mouse and you will see if you have latest version or not. If not then av downloading... 

Good feature useful who wants have always latest version. 

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On 4/26/2023 at 11:30 AM, nexon said:
  1. Also kaspersky doesn't update automatically major versions only patches are downloaded via updates. 
  2. I never got a major version (new build) via updates or notification. Always downloading from website. 
  3. Other av have this functionality for checking new version in GUI. One click with mouse and you will see if you have latest version or not. If not then av downloading... 
  4. Good feature useful who wants have always latest version. 


  1. *ALL* of Kaspersky's version & patch updates are TFU = Total Force Update = Automatic - if you have doubts you can verify with Kaspersky Technical Support & the documentation. 
  2. It's a known fact, manual checking for version & patch updates is *not* available in Kaspersky's home software range - this has been the subject of many discussions for years. 
  3. Ditto. 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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