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possibility to lock a stolen phone by SMS and play an alarm sound ?


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Wasn't there once the possibility to lock a stolen phone by SMS and play an alarm sound ?

Yes, I know, via website it is possible, but only when the phone is online. Since my phone is rarely online, and access is locked by fingerprint, a finder is unlikely to be able to go online.

Therefore the question if and how it works via SMS,


Have a nice day







Gab es nicht mal die Möglichkeit, ein geklautes Handy per SMS zu sperren und einen Alarmton abzuspielen ?

Ja, ich weiß, per Webseite ist das möglich, aber nur wenn das Handy online ist. Da mein Handy nur selten online ist, und der Zugang per Fingerabdruck gesperrt ist, wird ein Finder wohl kaum online gehen können.

Daher die Frage ob und wie es per SMS geht,


Schönen Tag noch



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Hello @JohnD


1 Sadly, there is no option to initiate Anti-theft functions via SMS.

We recently engaged Kaspersky Technical Support on this issue, they say:


2 “As long as the phone has the battery and is connected to the internet, commands can be sent from (your) MyKaspersky account.” 

end qte



Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


KIS Anti-theft

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The decision to remove SMS  command text messages was due to Google Play, From January 2019, Google implemented restrictions on the SMS and Call permissions necessary for the core functionality of a many apps, especially internet security apps, and not just the app from Kaspersky.


If you want your app listed in Google Play, then you have to agree with Google Play’s policy.




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