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Password Manager won't autofill on Android phone

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I have KPM on three devices; a Windows desktop, and iPad and Samsung Android phone. KPM works correctly only on the Windows desk top. This enqiry is about the Samsung phone. As far as I can tell KPM does not autofill at all.

    Samsung Galaxy A53 5G Android Version 13

    KPM  Setting

        Browsers Offer to fill in passwords in browsers    ON

        Apps - Autofill passwords in apps             ON

        Accessibility>Kaspersky Password>            ON

    Android Settings

        Apps>Kaspersky Password Manager>App Info>Set as Default>Open Supported Links>ON

        General Management>Passwords and autofill>Passwords>Kaspersky Passwords>SELECTED

        Accessibility        ON

What have I missed?


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5 hours ago, Eric the irritated said:

I have KPM on three devices; a Windows desktop, and iPad and Samsung Android phone. KPM works correctly only on the Windows desk top.

Samsung Galaxy A53 5G Android Version 13: This enqiry is about the Samsung phone. As far as I can tell KPM does not autofill at all.

KPM  Setting

  •        Browsers Offer to fill in passwords in browsers    ON
  •         Apps - Autofill passwords in apps             ON
  •         Accessibility>Kaspersky Password>            ON

    Android Settings

  •         Apps>Kaspersky Password Manager>App Info>Set as Default>Open Supported Links>ON
  •         General Management>Passwords and autofill>Passwords>Kaspersky Passwords>SELECTED
  •         Accessibility        ON

What have I missed?

Hello @Eric the irritated


  1. In the app or browser login screen - is the KPM icon visible? 
  • KPM v9.2.95.14 -> for this specific Kaspersky account - we have two accounts, represented by the 2 in the KPM icon (that we've circled in the image), tapping on that icon allows us to select the account we need, the first field -> Email, then auto-populates, Password then follows - that's how it *should* work. 


Please post back? 

Thank you🙏


Enable autofilling passwords in browsers

Enable autofilling passwords in apps

Sign in to an app by using Kaspersky Password Manager

Autofill forms and automatic sign in to websites

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
Added image
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The problem with which I am currently concerned is on an Android phone. Connections are not via a browser but through ikons. I am the only accounter holder on all of the sites so I don't have to choose the identity which is logging in.

Some sites for which I have a login account don't requireme to log in, presumably because the have already deposited a cookie in my device. But thos that do require log in present me with 'email' and 'pass word' windows waiting for me to fill them in. In fact KPM should autofill them for me but it does nothing. As far as I can see all of the settings are correct in both KPM and the phone. So why isn't it auto-filling? I listed the settings I know of. Are there any that I have missed, or what?

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3 hours ago, Eric the irritated said:
  1. The problem with which I am currently concerned is on an Android phone.
  2. Connections are not via a browser but through ikons. 
  3. Some sites for which I have a login account don't require me to log in, presumably because the have already deposited a cookie in my device.

Hello @Eric the irritated

Thank you for posting back!

  1. We *know*, we answered for Android & the image we've shared is from a SAMSUNG Android. 
  2. OK. Which icons? Tell us specific information OR post full screen screen-prints so we can test or try to replicate the issue -> we do not have a crystal ball or x-ray vision! A. (Hide any private information before posting). B. Share icons/sites that we can access without having to pay money for, no governement apps/sites, no gambling, no porn, no school or uni etc. 
  3. OK, so for these sites *only* that are already logging in - are they accessed via a *browser* OR *icon* - again - provide the name of the site/icon? 

💥Note -> there's no point repeating the  issue -> we've already read everything you wrote -> twice -> once in your original post & now in your repost -> we are trying to assist you, we need you to provide specific information

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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We seem to be at cross purposes. The problem is not with individdual sites. The problem is experienced when trying to get KPM to autofill the user name and password for any and every site in the KPM list. there is nothing wrong with the sites. I can log into them without trouble using exactly the same data from my Windows desk top. The problem lies in the Android phone's ability to use the data. To give you a better idea, here is a selection from the list:

account easynews






Not all these are represented by ikons in the Android phone in that many of them apply to the desktop. Nevertheless I should be able to use them to log in directly from KPM, but I can't. Not even the Kaspersky sites.

There is something wrong in the KPM setup/installation and I was hoping for ideas.

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48 minutes ago, Eric the irritated said:

We seem to be at cross purposes. The problem is not with individual sites. The problem is experienced when trying to get KPM to autofill the user name and password for any and every site in the KPM list. there is nothing wrong with the sites. I can log into them without trouble using exactly the same data from my Windows desk top. The problem lies in the Android phone's ability to use the data. To give you a better idea, here is a selection from the list:

Not all these are represented by ikons in the Android phone in that many of them apply to the desktop. Nevertheless I should be able to use them to log in directly from KPM, but I can't. Not even the Kaspersky sites.

There is something wrong in the KPM setup/installation and I was hoping for ideas.

Hello @Eric the irritated

Thank you for the information!

  • Not at x purposes - simply impossible to help you without information & impossible to give you *ideas* without information! Now that we have it - allow us some time to test - to see if we can replicate the problem. 
  1. 💥Please *answer* question 3 - from our last reply? 
  2. 💥From the following list, are any of these *accessed via a browser* ?  IF the answer is 'YES', -> *which* browser? & is Save Passwords & Auto-Sign-in -> *enabled* -> in the browser?  
  • account easynews
  • account.acronis
  • account.meridian
  • account.samsung
  • account.firefox
  • curiositystream
  • data.gns.cri.nz
  • FirefoxAccounts
  • id.apple.com
  • www.amazon.com
  • www.ancestry.com.au
  • www.bangood.com
  • We are not working with the theory that there's *anything* wrong with the sites!
  • We'll update as soon as possible. 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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Aah! At last I understand where you are coming from. I thought you were referring to opening up a browser and entering login data directly via the browser. Undoubtedly the various apps  must use a browser, if only because the browser is needed to handle the stream of HTML which is about to descend upon it. The same applies to logging in from KPM: it will have to log in via a browser in order to handle the incoming stream of data.

I'm still coming to grips with Android but I have established that up to now the phone has been using Chrome as browser. It offered Samsung Internet as an alternative and I have switched overe to that and have found that this has made no difference to autofill problem. I have also confirmed that the change of browser have made no difference to the required in-machine settings.

With regard to your question 3: On digging in, I fould that with a number of sites that I thought were recognizing me, it was in fact a question of how far they let me in before they wanted  my User Name and password. There were two which seemed to recognise me.  First was my health insurer HTTPS//identity.southerncross.co.nz. This surprised me by autofilling the user name and password. But then it added that an error had occurred and please come back later. The other one which recognised me without a login was www.youtube.com.

Finally, I can find no reference to 'save passwords' or 'auto-sign-in' for the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G but then I'm new to the Android world.

  • Thanks 1
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2 hours ago, Eric the irritated said:
  1. Aah! At last I understand where you are coming from. I thought you were referring to opening up a browser and entering login data directly via the browser. Undoubtedly the various apps  must use a browser, if only because the browser is needed to handle the stream of HTML which is about to descend upon it. The same applies to logging in from KPM: it will have to log in via a browser in order to handle the incoming stream of data.
  2. I'm still coming to grips with Android but I have established that up to now the phone has been using Chrome as browser. 
  3.  The other one which recognised me without a login was www.youtube.com.
  4. Finally, I can find no reference to 'save passwords' or 'auto-sign-in' for the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G but then I'm new to the Android world.

Hello @Eric the irritated

Thank you for the information😅

  1. Glad we're making progress - just to make it crystal clear -> even tho (for example) the Firefox icon is selected from the Android desktop, it's still a Firefox browser.
  2. OK.
  3. 💥Youtube uses (your) Google account login. 
  4. See images: in the Chrome browser, (1) select the 3 tiny vertical dots, (2) scroll down to & select Settings, (3) make sure Save Passwords is toggled OFF, (4) make sure Auto-signin is toggled OFF:

    Screenshot_20231109-220750_Chrome.thumb.jpg.8efc87f5a8badf95b02f55d249a5afb1.jpg Screenshot_20231109-215256_Chrome.thumb.jpg.6f0759c8e7e5159978b1ed5d7396bed8.jpg




👉We're still working on the rest of your list👈

Thank you🙏

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2 hours ago, Eric the irritated said:

If I have understood you correctly, the answers to your questions are as in the following snips:

Hello @Eric the irritated

Thank you for posting back the information! 

‼️NOTE‼️ when posting any information to the Community - whether text OR images - please *hide* all personal information -> for (your) own privacy & security‼️

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My apologies. I didn't mean to post my email address, but it was late in the evening and I inadvertently dragged in the wrong file. However I must admit that I didn't notice the repetition of my email address in the autologin setting and that would have remained even if I had used the correct image. I'm not greatly concerned. I've been using my email address on Usenet for the last thirty years without any problems. I'm more concerened at the three times I have been notified that my personal data has been included in the harvest of data from one commercial database or another. In any case, you will have gathered that autologin is enabled. Does that leave us any further ahead?

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5 minutes ago, Eric the irritated said:
  1. My apologies. 
  2. Does that leave us any further ahead?

Hello @Eric the irritated

  1. No problem! Kaspersky works hard to protect their subscribers privacy, it's important users take responsibility for  anything they post to public forums. 
  2. Yes, we've asked this before - for another site & *did not get an answer to our very specific question* now, repeating the question - using one of the sites from the list (you) provided - when you go to Bosch with KPM active - do you see either icon - numbered (1) & (2) - in our images? Screenshot_20231110-130536_Chrome.thumb.jpg.d47b3f30c777843352b0d6e35bda80d2.jpg  Screenshot_20231110-130636_Chrome.thumb.jpg.9e131e878a6098e527dec4de3cf01790.jpg

Please post back? 

 Thank you🙏

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24 minutes ago, Eric the irritated said:

No, I don't see either of the numbered icons on any site.

  1. Thank you @Eric the irritated
  2. On the Android, open KPM, at the top beside All entries, tap the 3 horizontal bars, scroll or go to the bottom of the screen, select About -> share the KPM version # please? 
  3. Is there any other Kaspersky software installed on the Android, IF 'yes', share with us: Full name, version, subscription or free
  4. How often if the Android fully powered OFF / ON - full power cycle?
Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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My first attempt t replying locked up.

The Android has KPM version

The software installed is Kapersky Premium, consisting of Automatic-AntiVirus, Scan Device, Safe Browsing, Smart Home Monitor (OFF), App Lock (OFF), Where is my device (OFF), Safe Messaging (OFF), Weak Settings Scan, Call Filter (OFF), Secure QR Scanner,Update antivirus databases (11.11.2023). I have no idea of the version of any of these and have no success looking for them. Subscription in all cases.

The Android is turned off rarely. It was turned off about two weeks ago and, again, about 5 minutes ago. It makes no difference to its ability to autofill.

[I haven't mentioned it yet but I have the same problem with my iPad. Both had Kaspersky installed at about the same time. I mention it only in case it gives you an idea.]

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2 hours ago, Eric the irritated said:
  1. The Android has KPM version
  2. The software installed is Kapersky Premium, I have no idea of the version of any of these and have no success looking for them.
  3. Subscription in all cases.
  4. The Android is turned off rarely. It was turned off about two weeks ago and, again, about 5 minutes ago.
  1. Thank you. 
  2. Kaspersky Premium / Android only has *one* version - all the components (you) listed are all part of the Kaspersky Premium application, installed on the Android, to find the version, open the Kaspersky Premium app, tap the Profile icon (see image)


    , on the Profile page, select About -> please share the Version #
  3. Thank you. 
  4. Ok. 
  5. Looking at KPM -> Windows & then KPM -> Android - are the number of websites / profiles / passwords -> identical -> *on each device*
  6. Turn OFF the Android & LEAVE IT OFF until (you) read the instruction to turn it on -> on Windows, go to KPM & create a KPM Backup, refer to Back up data
  7. Turn ON the Android, login. 
  8. Uninstall KPM, refer: Uninstall the app
  9. At the completion of the UNINSTALL of KPM, power OFF the android & LEAVE IT OFF!
  • Post back & let us know these steps have been completed please? 
Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
added image || updated step 9.
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19 hours ago, Eric the irritated said:
  • 2. Version
  • 5. Yes, all identical.
  • 6. Done as instructed.
  • 7. Ditto.
  • 8. KPM uninstalled from Android.
  • 9. Power is off and will stay off ...

Hello @Eric the irritated

Thank you. 

  1. Power on Android, login. 
  2. Download a new KPM exe - from Google Play Store
  3. Install KPM. 
  4. *Make sure it synchronizes with (your) MyKaspersky account to (a) pick up the License/Subscription & (b) synchronizes with the KPM cloud storage for a full refreshed copy? 
  • 💥DON'T TEST anything at this stage💥
  • Post back when these steps are done please? 

 Thank you🙏

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Should I make use of the Install Link provided by Kaspersky?

I didn't when I installed Kaspersky on either the Android phone or the equally troublesom iPad. At that time I wasn't aware that such a link existed. It has since occurred to me that the link may provide an installation code which isn't available from a simple install-and-type-in-the-log-in-data type of installation. That's as it may be. I will wait until I hear back from you.

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