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Kaspersky internet security having invalid security certificates and a hundred other glitches

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Well first of all Kaspersky started with issues with their own security certificates. Right around the time my backup program which automatically syncronized my personal files to my Pcloud account. Now it is not recognizing microsoft windows certificates as well and is blocking me from accessing files on my hard drive. Everything is still working very nicely on my old windows 7 laptop, which is I think a 32 bit processor. However on my new expensive laptop that i paid dearly for and also bought kaspersky total security at the same time and installed it before any other programs that weren't already installed. So I raised the issue about the certificates back when they first started. Every time I signed in to password manager I would get a popup or ten that said a long list of kaspersky certificates were invalid. Right about that time my pcloud app started crashing at log in. I would enter my password and the app would vanish. No help from kaspersky on the subject. I got so pissed off at Kspy that I decided to remove it. Well low and behold all of a sudden it demands, not asks but DEMANDS that I change my password. Then when I tried to do that it kept losing keystrokes making it impossible to repeat the password accurately. I had to type it out in a text file and copy/paste it to change it. Try to find someplace to submit a report/complaint. Well the link that says "Contact support takes me to a f****ing price list. In the past five hours I have had to sign in probably thirty times trying to find some support on the screwed up Kaspersky site. My intention now is to completely remove Kaspersky from mmy computer and try to get my barely six month old laptop to work properly. If I do not hear from somebody in tech support in the next 12 hours I will be going to every review site I can find and It will be a minus 20 review I give Kaspersky and its faulty product. If you take a look at the Pcloud trojan attatchment keep in mind that the app is one that I got to try to diagnose the problems I was having connecting to pcloud, and it worked fine then and if it got infected while kaspersky TOTAL INTERNET INSECURITY was running full time then I think I should get my monet refunded in triplicate at least for restitution of all the time this prorgam has made me waste. # Fing hours and still no direct contact link to support. Just a link to contact support that takes me to the price list"Buy now only $$$$$$ There doesn't seem to be any means built in to either include or exclude any websites or anything else. You will note that the above is all in reference to my own computer By the looks of this I would say Kaspersky is pretty delinquent in keeping thier own security up to date. How can we trust a virus protection program that blocks it's own website??? I started my computer six hours a go to make a short note and it has taken me this long to get to the point where maybe, just maybe I will be able to remove this virus called Kaspersky and get my critically important message sent out. At the rate the tech/engineers get paid I figure that Kaspersky owes me somewhere in the neighbourhood of about $500 USD
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Hello Tinker Hates Kaspersky support, Welcome to the Community! The Community is (primarily) madeup of Kaspersky Customers who pitch in & help when & where we can. The Kaspersky Community Admin [Rodion Nagornov] is a Kaspersky Lab employee, as well a few others, I don't think any of our MODs are Kaspersky Lab employees?(could be wrong) . Just so we don't add to your "angst", what would you like from us please? Let us know please? Thanks!
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#1. Fix it so that I don't get multiple popup messages all the time that say a long list of Kaspersy security certificates are invalid. Sometimes 7-8 certificates all @Kaspersky.com. 2#Fix it so that other obviously valid certificates don't cause annoying popups. #3. Fix it so that there is someplace to tell Kaspersky to stop blocking my trusted apps from loading. #4. Fix you website so that the link to "Contact Support" takes me someplace where I can contact support, instead of to your price list. This has been going on since sometime in early April and no response from kaspersky to even indicate they are working on the problems. Maybe it would help a lot if there was a 64 bit Kaspersky designed to work on windos 10 64 bit machines. The worst thing is I am having no problems with Kspy or any of the same apps on my old Win 7 laptopop 32 bit machine. I could not even restore my computer to a time before all the crap started happening because some program is running that prevents the restore program from competing. Make my Pcloud Drive app work again, that is essential.
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Hello Tinker Hates Kaspersky support, Re [no response from kaspersky to even indicate they are working on the problems] suggests you've had some sort of contact with Kaspersky Lab Support.
  1. Do you have an INC number?
  2. Did you receive an automated email with an INC number when you previously engaged with Kapersky Lab Technical Support?
  3. Have you made any follow up contact: by replying to the email with the INC number?
The Lab's STANDARD protocol, irrespective of how contact is made, if the Kaspersky Customer has an active, paid subscription, Kaspersky Lab Technical Support engage with the customer and do whatever is necessary to resolve the issue, if at all possible.
  1. We, the COMMUNITY, can't "Fix it"
#1, #2., #3., #4. please contact Kaspersky Lab Technical Support. https://my.kaspersky.com/techsupport#/requests/new
  1. sign in & go to: https://my.kaspersky.com/techsupport#/requests/new
  2. select from tabs and drop down lists:
  3. (platform) Windows, Mac, Android, iOS (Apple iPhone & iPad),
  4. (application) (for whichever system previously selected
  5. (application) version
  6. (operating system) version
  7. (request type) feedback
  8. (request subtyoe) I have a suggestion / I have a complaint
  9. (problem description) fill in free text fields, including uploading logs & any images if they help "explain".
  10. (click) send
An automated email will be received with an INCx number, e.g. INC123456789011, a followup contact will ordinarily be made by the Technical Spport Team within 48 hrs duing business hrs/days. Support can also be contacted via phone & onlinechat if it's available in you region >> Consumer Support Contacts & or Submit a request @ the bottom left hand corner of this page: redirects to [purchasing licencing][general product use][virus removal] select the region you live - select whichever support option suits your needs. -------------------------
  1. Re: (this image specifically)
resolves to linkendin.com, is that specific popup displaying when you select an application or a website? ------------------------- #3. https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/82990.htm About Trusted Applications mode & https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/68189.htm Specify trusted applications & https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/68950.htm Trusted Applications mode Clicking Trusted Applications mode opens the Trusted Applications mode window. In this window, you can configure startup of only trusted applications. opens a window with the list of trusted applications. If an application is included in the "TRUSTED" list, Kaspersky software does not monitor objects (such as files) used by that application. Add ANY application (you trust) to the list. ------------------------- Re:
  1. Make Pcloud Drive app work again
We're more than happy to troubleshoot and provide guidance, (if we know: what/how Pcloud Drive is broken & please post back a GSI & Windows logs, upload to cloud storage of your choice and post back the link? GSI documentation: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 Please post back if you need assistance. Thanks.
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