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I need to create a firewall rule but I can't because Windows tells me that this configuration is handled by Kaspersky



Hello @DevCristian,

Welcome to the Kaspersky community.

When you install a Kaspersky product, the Windows firewall is managed through the Kaspersky firewall.

You can read more about Kaspersky's firewall here →Firewall

I saw that you created another similar topic in the Spanish community, please read the forum rules →Read before you create a new topic!




Hi @DevCristian,

Since you didn't specifically detail what you want to do on the firewall, I'm giving you a general guide. For your specific problem, check which one best suits the situation.

To create specific rules in the Kaspersky firewall, do the following:

  1. Open the Kaspersky graphical interface
  2. Click the gear symbol (setting) in the lower left side of the window
  3. Click → Security Settings
  4. Scroll all the way down and click → Firewall
  5. Under Firewall, click → Packet Rules
  6. Click → Add
  7. In Status select → Active
  8. In Name, define a name for the rule (ex: example program rule)
  9. Under Action select → Allow
  10. Under Direction, select → Entry/Exit or both
  11. In Protocol select → A specific protocol or all
  12. Under Remote address select → Address from list
  13. In the box below → enter the IP address you want to release or block
  14. In Local Address select → Any address or the specific address of your device
  15. Click → Save
  16. In the "Package Rules" window, select the rule you created and place it first in the list (by clicking the up/down button)

If you just want to allow/deny or be asked what you want to do to a specific application, do the following:

  1. Open the Kaspersky graphical interface
  2. Click the gear symbol (setting) in the lower left side of the window
  3. Click → Security Settings
  4. Scroll all the way down and click → Firewall
  5. Under firewall, click → Rules for applications
  6. Find the app you want in the list (organized by app vendor name)
  7. When you find the app, in Network select → Allow / Deny / Ask user* (select the option according to your needs)
  8. Click → Save

Remembering that Ask the user will only actually be effective if the "Automatically perform recommended actions" box is unchecked in Settings → Security settings → Exclusions and actions on object detection

Yours sincerely,


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