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After unexpected install of new version, imap no longer working, kaspersky can't be uninstalled

Go to solution Solved by harlan4096,

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Hi !

Using Kaspersky Free since a few days (it updated themself) 😕

(Win 10H22 x64)

Yesterday i noticed that i didn't get any emails... Sending is no problem?!?!

Okay maybe firewall => uninstalled , maybe eMail provider => but mobile k9-android works ...

"Update-timdate" and "Mail-stop-working-timedate" are corresponding, so i tried to uninstall Kaspersky... Then ugly part starts...


Just to mention: I tried everything to get my pc back to work as a IT-Professional.

BUT i run the whole time against walls:

1. Normal Uninstall => Error (can't be uninstalled cause of rbf write error => rollback of uninstall)


2. Using kavremvr => Error (no capture)

(old versions of kavremvr) => Error (no capture)

(old Version 2013 (1.0.995.0) ) is starting with capture (jippyy), but no actual version in dropdown included 😓


3. Reinstall (not possible) => Error (can't be uninstalled)

4. All (Windows)Updates installed nothing changed


I add two log files of kavremvr and i have no idea anymore?

Can someone give me a hint, how to uninstall this peace of software?





3524:2c50 15:31:39.345 Starting server...
3524:2c50 15:31:39.347 Failed to write dbghelp.dll
3524:2c50 15:31:39.347 Initializing application...
3524:2c50 15:31:39.357 Loading ini files...
3524:2c50 15:31:39.363 Loading resource data 'RES_INI_X64'...
3524:2c50 15:31:39.390 Loading resource data finished, 569379 bytes
3524:2c50 15:31:39.390 Loading resource data 'RES_INI_X32X64'...
3524:2c50 15:31:39.394 Loading resource data finished, 3624054 bytes
3524:2c50 15:31:39.394 Parsing ini files data...
3524:2c50 15:31:39.447 Ini files data parsed, 147 files parsed
3524:2c50 15:31:39.448 Dumping data to files...
3524:2c50 15:31:39.461 Data dumped to files
3524:0c8c 15:31:40.358 check status = 80092003
3524:0c8c 15:31:40.370 check status = 80092003
3524:0c8c 15:31:40.371 check status = 80092003
3524:31b4 15:31:53.957 Removing ini files...
3524:2c50 15:31:54.018 Error = 0, return code = 1718
3524:2c50 15:31:54.019 Cannot register serviceCtrlHandler
3524:31b4 15:31:54.019 Stopping server...


4500:3278 15:31:38.278 KAVRemover tool version 1.0.5497
14500:3278 15:31:38.278 System language detected: langID=7, sublangID=1
14500:3278 15:31:38.278 User language detected: langID=7, sublangID=1
14500:3278 15:31:38.278 Setting UI language: langID=7, sublangID=0
14500:3278 15:31:38.278 Locale successfully set
14500:3278 15:31:38.280 dbghelp.dll dumped OK
14500:3278 15:31:39.263 Binary file dumped
14500:3278 15:31:39.344 ServiceHelper::WaitForServiceStatus
14500:3278 15:31:39.344 Still waiting for 4
14500:3278 15:31:40.350 Service start return code = 1
14500:3278 15:31:40.356 handle does init
14500:3278 15:31:40.356 Dumping user environment...
14500:3278 15:31:40.356 Dumping current environment...
14500:3278 15:31:40.356 CreateFileA () failed, error 3
14500:3278 15:31:40.356 Client malloc
14500:3278 15:31:40.356 Try to set user environment to server...
14500:3278 15:31:40.358 After call, error = 3, ret code = 5)
14500:3278 15:31:40.358 Client free
14500:3308 15:31:40.369 Searching for installed products...
14500:3308 15:31:40.370 Try to call some func on server...
14500:3308 15:31:40.370 After call, error = 0, ret code = 5)
14500:3308 15:31:40.370 Client free
14500:3308 15:31:40.370 Smth bad with metafile, err = 13
14500:3308 15:31:40.370 Try to call detection, no-detect=%d, remove-all=0...
14500:3308 15:31:40.371 After call detection, error = 13, ret code = 5)
14500:3308 15:31:40.371 Crashed. Try to write dump, error = 87
14500:3308 15:31:45.145 Crashed. Try to write dump, error = 87



@Meier Welcome.

25 minutes ago, Meier said:

write error

Did you run 'CHKDSK' in read-only mode ?


Also, before going to uninstall after the update (very radical solution) and IMAP stop working, It would have been better to consult the forum, in most cases that can be fixed with just adding a simple exclusion of the IMAP server in NetWorks Settings -> Encrypted Connections -> Trusted Addresses.

  • Like 1

@harlan4096 Nice idea..

Trusted Adresses already tried... (not working, just because the entry is grayed out and can't be entered)

Btw. => If i can't uninstall a software, i can never run a update in future. You are just moving the problem in the future, with a lot more problems coming.



1. It's a RAM-Disk which i use for years (so no write errors possible)

2. changing to "fix" hd-disk changed nothing

I (personal) think, that the internal functions are blocking the write process (anti-virus).


PS: Forgot to say, that every function is disabled and all monitoring ports are removed.

TEMP is the RAM-Disk ! Just to make it clear.


Grayed out, where?








Don't wonder, im running ClassicWindowsMod it's Windows10 !

Here it is grayed:



Actual Version UNINSTALLER:



Wayback-Machine Version:



And what kind of changes has that W10 mod?


Nothing big  only a few registry tweaks, for classic look (border and fonts).

A few people think, that this is a Win7. Deactivation changes NOTHING.


  • Solution

But it is weird that Kavremover did not detect that 21.20 installation, the capture I showed was also an update 21.20 over a 21.19.


What does mean: "rbf write error" ?


The only recommendation here is to remove all Kaspersky folders (better done in Safe Mode or even from a system booted from USB):


C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\*.*

C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\*.*


Then download and install this tool:




And finally type: kaspersky, in Search field, run the Search process, and once You get all the kaspersky registry keys, select them all and remove.


Try to install 21.20 again.

  • Like 1

@harlan4096 Short: Working .. Thank you very much !




Reboot into "Safe Mode"

  • Uninstall (moving files to different drive) but a few files still locked in use
  • Registrykeys removed via registrar


Reboot into "Safe Mode"

  • Uninstall2 (moving files to different drive) all "locked" files are moved !!


Reboot into "Normal Mode"

  • Install of up2date version
  • 3 or 4 times reboot at installation


🙃 Semms to be running relative normal (settings not perfect - fine tuning missing)



  • Uninstalling as "Test" => Working Uninstaller
  • IMAP access OKAY !
  • Uninstall kavremvr tool is showing "capture code"


Everything as it should be...




Big thanks for the help... Now i can fine tune my system! 👨

  • Like 1

Great! I'm glad!

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