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A few bugs on the new "Standard" suite

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Greetings from a long, long-time customer, thought i'd register and report if it's alright.

As per title;


1) if any notification -'x' issue found, updates available, et al.- pops up while changing your notification settings (what's logged/what's shown 'live' in tray), all changes you'd made until that moment reset back to stock. You have to literally start from the beginning. Happened to me twice, so we can safely say it's reproducible.

2) in 'Application Rules' under 'Firewall Settings'; after rebooting your PC, any changes you'd made in which columns are shown and which are hidden reset back to stock. 100% reproducible.

* changes in columns such as both width per column and type of column show/hidden; ie even if you make, say, 'Reputation' hidden? After rebooting, you'll find it back visible.


The above under Win10 21H2 Enterprise 64bit. Kaspersky Standard 21.14.


And if i may also mention? While not a bug this one, it can be problematic to the eyes;

You have this -don't know the term for it- feature, the main UI window becomes or is(?) semi-transparent, you can see what surface it covers/superimposes on.

While.. 'trendy', if what's behind it has a lot of white or bright colours, it gets tiresome real fast and if i may continue with the personal viewpoint here, for no good reason really. I can understand modernising, but it shouldn't ever be at the expense of practicality/ease of use.

A non-transparent or full alpha UI would have been so much better. Again, mere opinion this one.


That's all i've got 🙂
Thank you for reading.

Edited by LostHisMarbles
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33 minutes ago, harlan4096 said:

To report bugs and/or suggestions, it is better to do so via K. Support, selecting in the FeedBack in the form.

Used that in the past, three separate times, all of them for the exact same issue.. namely so as to inform the team that multiple, consecutive KIS versions "forgot" manually added application permissions (in firewall); not resetted, literally forgot altogether, goodbye; it appeared as if this was intentional, as if some internal time threshold was in the code, erase entry if exceeded.

(funnily, or rather sadly, the Android version always had a box you can tick, remember my entries.. but not the PC main version.. Ironic)

Either way, you'd think a paid security suite erasing my manually added firewall entries would be severe enough an issue for someone to bother with, right?

Well no one did, for years. Literally years. Still an issue in the latest -and now last- KIS version..

So this time, i tried the forum, case it actually gets passed on upstairs, who knows 🙂


My thanks for responding regardless and a very good day to you.

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9 hours ago, LostHisMarbles said:

Win10 21H2 Enterprise 64bit. Kaspersky Standard 21.14.

1) if any notification -'x' issue found, updates available, et al.- pops up while changing your notification settings (what's logged/what's shown 'live' in tray), all changes you'd made until that moment reset back to stock. You have to literally start from the beginning. Happened to me twice, so we can safely say it's reproducible.

2) in 'Application Rules' under 'Firewall Settings'; after rebooting your PC, any changes you'd made in which columns are shown and which are hidden reset back to stock. 100% reproducible.

* changes in columns such as both width per column and type of column show/hidden; i.e. even if you make, say, 'Reputation' hidden? After rebooting, you'll find it back visible.

3) While not a bug this one, it can be problematic to the eyes: the main UI window becomes or is(?) semi-transparent, you can see what surface it covers/superimposes on.

While... 'trendy', if what's behind it has a lot of white or bright colours, it gets tiresome real fast and if i may continue with the personal viewpoint here, for no good reason really. I can understand modernizing, but it shouldn't ever be at the expense of practicality/ease of use. A non-transparent or full alpha UI would have been so much better. 


Hello @LostHisMarbles

Also, we started working on this when you posted.

  • 💥To get *anything* changed by upstairs i.e., the Kaspersky developers - it has to formally be logged so it can be allocated resources. 
  • 👉Out of curiosity, may we know the OS build - in Windows Search, type About
  1. IF this is reproducible, please do so & post screen prints - we need to see what you see? 
  • Is this any change? Can you share some examples - screen prints - so we don't have to guess? -> in our test, the changes remained, see image:  


    3) We absolutely agree, we have no idea what Kaspersky was thinking making a translucent GUI - a number of Community members have complained about it, it's a PIA, see image:



    Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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