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  1. Hi Flood. Many thanks for the information. I simply refuse to give up on kaspersky, it has done a perfect job for me and I will not swap to something else. The pressure from the US will be immense for the EU to tow the US line so I see an EU ban being very difficult to avoid. If there is no EU ban individual countries e.g. Germany, France will ban. Do you know if I can use VPN to update and so avoid a ban? Also what is the maximum length extension I can purchase? Maybe I'll just have to move out of Europe. Steve
  2. Please excuse me for not replying sooner but I was unable to. Thanks very much for the information. I am sorry if I was a little upset in my email but I am getting so sick and tired of this childish behaviour. If the EU tries to bans it, and I can see it coming, it may be that a member refuses and then individual members make their own reponses and Germany, France etc will also ban. Can I still then update using VPN? I refuse to give up Kaspersky, it has done a perfect job for me for so many years Flood, when you say "IF *you* don't want a topic updated - lock it so no one runs afoul of your unknown rules." to what are you referring? Should I be locking the topic because I have no idea how to do so.
  3. I live in the EU, can any one tell me what the situation is with regard to the ban. If it is implemented in the EU which is almost certain then what are the best solutions, given that I won't buy any US product. I am so sick and tired of these petulant little s..theads. I have been using Kaspersky for 15+years without any problems.
  4. Hi Nexon, Sorry for not replying sooner but I wasn't able to. Yes, Vivaldi seems to be the problem and it works fine if I load Paypal from Firefox. Thanks for the help.
  5. I am getting the definite feeling it is a Vivaldi problem, however please explain what you mean by " Compatibility is not guarantined with newest versions... " - newest versions of what with what?
  6. Hi, I used the latest download version of Kaspersky Standard and I am not using a browser, just trying to activate Secure payment out of Kaspersky. I do however use Firefox (latest update) and Vivaldi (again latest update) and it has worked fine with both for rhe last month. As I said it has worked fine till today and there has been no change in my system.
  7. Added error message. I was going to say it is in German till I realised how half-witted that would be. " Der Sichere Browser konnte nicht gestartet werden. Grund: Beim Start des Sicheren Browsers ist ein unvorhergesehener Fehler aufgetreten. Wenden Sie sich an unseren Support. Fehlercode: 0x80000046" Any ideas?
  8. I updated the software to Kaspersky Standard from KIS as you advised (20th March) and it started working again. I used it several times but now it will not start. I get the message "The secure Browser cannot be started". What's the problem now?
  9. Sorry Flood, I clicked the wrong solved box, it should have been your solved Box. Again many thanks
  10. Hi Flood, Installed the Kaspersky Standard product and my Safe Money option is now running again. Many thanks for your help. It just goes to show what I have always said, Kaspersky Forum help is the best there is. Steven
  11. Thanks again. I can upgrade. Sorry to be picky but are you saying the error is directly related to the version of Kaspersky I am using or is this just a swap the software and see what happens. I ask because this error has been documented connected to Windows updates i.e. without Kaspersky involvement.
  12. Thanks for the reply but it don't explain anything to me just tells me how to delete and reinstall KIS. Are you saying the problem lies with a fault in Kaspersky?
  13. I cannot open any website from menu safe money transfer, I get an XPCOM error. It has worked fine in the past but suddenly today I get the XPCOM error. I am not using a browser simply tryng to connect through Kaspersky. Can anybody help.
  14. Thanks very much for the swift response. The solution seems to be if KIS and all other parties involved disagree then it is up to me to decide which side I accept.. difficult. It is the use of the phrase "malicious object" which gives me pause. My default is, if in doubt always trust KIS, and this has kept me virus free for 10+ years, at least as far as I know it has. Again thanks
  15. On connecting to certain sites I get a a block from Kaspersky saying the site certifications are invalid and I can connect at my own risk. These are sites I use often and the problem is new, at least with one site. Both Vivaldi and Firefox say that sites are safe and the certificates valid. Is this just Kaspersky being overly safe with a particular certifying body or do you know something the browsers do not. I spoke to one of the site administrators and he also says the site is full certificated and safe. I should add the Firefox says the certificate issuer is not recognised by Mozilla but still gives the site as safe. Where does KIS get its information about the site certification? Thanks
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