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  1. Very very sure, that's why I asked about this version because it no longer came.
  2. Version 14.2 worked normally for me, that's why I find it curious that in this version it doesn't appear. From what I see, I'm going to have to downgrade the version and continue using version 14.2 and it looks much better in terms of loading speed. 15 It became extremely slow.
  3. Hello, good afternoon, I am using the web version 15 LINUX but from what I have seen I cannot find the ALERTS section of the EDR module in the console, does anyone know how to activate its display again? If I go to the reports there I do see the EDR module but it is difficult for me to see the reports to interact with the EDR module
  4. No se que mas permisos que el usuario ROOT usado; hago el mismo procedimiento con otras versiones de linux sin cambiar nada y funciona en otras no. no se de que permisos hablas, si puedes indicarnos mejor o tienes algún video seria de gran ayuda.
  5. Me Paso lo mismo, y por lo que pude ver es por incompatibilidad de algunos sistemas operativos, yo hice la instalacion en centos 9 stream y todas las versiones 9x como rokylinux 9x y alma Linux 9x y me funciona perfectamente intenta con esos tres sistemas operativos.
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