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  1. harlan4096's post in Kaspersky Plus keeps blocking my live Google Analytics reports was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    Please provide exact version of KPlus installed.
    Do you have Anti-Banner and/or Private Browsing modules enabled?
  2. harlan4096's post in El bloqueo de paginas no seguras dejo de funcionar y el icono de kaspersky se volvio gris, que paso? was marked as the answer   
    Actualiza a la versión 21.14, elige instalador para LATAM o para España, según donde te encuentres:
  3. harlan4096's post in The app opens on the screen when I log on to Windows was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    Try in your Windows Energy Options disabling Fast StartUp / Boot, save and reboot the system.
  4. harlan4096's post in Why does My Kaspersky say that Kaspersky Free Subscription Active? was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    If You have in Your K. Standard all the modules in paid products active -> Intrusion Prevention and FireWall, etc., then You are ok.
  5. harlan4096's post in how do I stop that? Definitely was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky. Community.
    Go to Settings -> Security Settings -> Network Settings -> and add that server that appears in the warning, here:

    Anyway, which version of MsOutLook are You using?
  6. harlan4096's post in Que Causa los Errores de Actualización por Red was marked as the answer   
    No sé si estás usando VPN, también podrían ser problemas temporales de tu proveedor de InterNet.
  7. harlan4096's post in Kaspersky can't deal with these threats was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    I see the malware files are inside a compressed file 7z. Check if that compressed file still there. If so, just to delete it manually.
  8. harlan4096's post in My domain has been flagged by Kapersky internet security was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    Please check this post:
  9. harlan4096's post in Virus Ramsomware was marked as the answer   
    El modo Default Deny explicado en ese hilo, permitirá la ejecución de aplicaciones conocidas o Trusted por el KSN, las que no estén firmadas digitalmente serán bloqueadas, las no conocidas serán bloqueadas igualmente...
  10. harlan4096's post in No puedo usar Kaspersky free was marked as the answer   
    Bienvenid@ a la Comunidad de Kaspersky.
    Así es...
    Pero lo que no permite el sistema, por diseño seguramente, es que si has activado ese email para un producto de pago, aunque sea en prueba de 30 días, ya no puedes usarlo de nuevo para el producto Free.
    De cualquier forma, en este foro no podemos ayudarte de forma directa con esta cuestión, tendrás que contactar con el soporte oficial de Kaspersky: K. Support
  11. harlan4096's post in Data Leak was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    As this is a password leak, You should just change password of the users in those affected sites.
  12. harlan4096's post in Sitio web desconocido was marked as the answer   
    Bienvenid@ a la Comunidad de Kaspersky.
    Por favor, lee este enlace:
  13. harlan4096's post in Kaspersky Protection Extension not Showing the Safe Website Icon for Most Sites? was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    It seems K. developers are already aware of the issue:
  14. harlan4096's post in Malware removal mode: disabled was marked as the answer   
    I don't think Your system is compromised by any malware, anyway You can try to contact to official Kaspersky Support K. Support and explain Your case.
  15. harlan4096's post in My Blocked Site is on the phishing list was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    Check this link:
    Anyway, I've already reported, waiting for final verdict.
    But check this link also:
  16. harlan4096's post in ARCHIVOS RAR INFECTADO (como infectan al sistema) Y ANALISIS DE KASPERSKY INTERNET SECURITY was marked as the answer   
    Bienvenid@ a la Comunidad de Kaspersky.
    En principio no deberías preocuparte, ya que no abriste ningún archivo del interior del rar.
    Si aún estás usando KIS, te recomiendo que migres ya tu producto a Kaspersky Estándar, la nueva línea de productos de K:
  17. harlan4096's post in Mail anti-virus report not showing emails being scanned was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    Maybe because no malicious activity was detected so far.
    Anyway, You can go to Settings -> Interface settings -> Notification Settings -> Mail Anti-Virus, and in column: Save in local report, activate Informational items.
  18. harlan4096's post in Los reportes de Kaspersky no se actualizan correctamente was marked as the answer   
    Bienvenid@ a la Comunidad de Kaspersky.
    En la captura que adjuntas no veo nada extraño, no veo que diga que el File-AV no se inició ?
  19. harlan4096's post in Bloqueo de aplicaciones Tienda de Microsoft, correo y discord. was marked as the answer   
    Revisa este hilo, migra tu KTS a la nueva línea de productos, en tu caso a Kaspersky Plus:
  20. harlan4096's post in AIMP can't login and scrobbling (Spotify too) was marked as the answer   
    What about to exclude the encrypted traffic of that application, example with VLC:

    Via Application Control / Intrusion Prevention -> Manage Applications, find the app there, edit its rules -> tab Exclusions, then Save.
  21. harlan4096's post in Bloqueo de pagina web was marked as the answer   
    Contestación de los analistas de Kaspersky:

    En breve, dicha URL no debería ser detectada ya, era un falso positivo.
  22. harlan4096's post in Diferencia entre virus, malwares y rasonware ¿kaspersky internet security los limpia y elimina? was marked as the answer   
    Bienvenid@ a la Comunidad de Kaspersky.
    La respuesta todo es sí. Revisa estos enlaces:
    Y para finalizar revisa también:
    Para actualizar, simplemente descarga el instalador y córrelo sobre tu versión actual de Kaspersky, se actualizará al a nueva línea de productos.
  23. harlan4096's post in Kaspersky is detecting Rust compiled executables as Trojans. was marked as the answer   
  24. harlan4096's post in Moving from Total Security to Premium was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to Kaspersky Community.
    Just go to Your My Kaspersky space and search there if already installer of K. Plus/Premium is available in Your country region.
    Also, You can go here: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product and perform a slight up scroll in the page, and You'll find also the installer of K. Premium, download and run it, install over the current KTS, and during installation it will get Your license and will become and the proper K. product.
  25. harlan4096's post in Dudas acerca del impacto de los antivirus con las SSD was marked as the answer   
    En la ventana principal de tu Kaspersky, pulsa la flechita hacia la derecha en:

    Luego, en Análisis Rápido, pulsa la rueda dentada -> Editar cobertura del análisis
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