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  1. Have recently installed Brave Browser (1.46.153) on my Windows 10 (22H2) PC and during the installation process imported various Extensions, including Kaspersky Protection from Chrome. Kaspersky Protection works just find on Chrome, Firefox and Edge. But there seems to be a problem with Brave as the Shield stays greyed out and there is no indication whether search results are "Safe" with the green shield by URL's in search results. My questions are :- 1/ Is this extension incompatible with Brave? 2/ Will KIS ( provide all the necessary protection if this Extension is not allowed to run with Brave? I was thinking of removing it and reinstalling but discovered all it was no longer in the Chrome Store so have left well alone.
  2. Mmmm that would make it very expensive on top if an existing licence for KIS on my PC. When the software description allows 3 devices on one licence for the standard version as a minimum. I would need to transfer my licence to the new software somehow to cover all three devices at a single cost.
  3. Thanks Berny, I had noticed that but was confused by the In App purchases. I really don’t want to pay too much as I already have a licence for KIS for nearly two more years so would try it for an all in payment of £5.99 for all access, but really don’t understand what that means when looking down the list of in App Purchases.
  4. Thank you ?? that is reassuring. I am running the latest version of KIS. The ideal time to change will be when my licence is up for renewal but this isn't for 2 years ? so I hope that these legacy products will remain up to the mark and supported till then if there isn't an easy way to transfer over. Must admit I do like the idea of adding protection to iOS though.
  5. Am not in India but also wondering this having seen new products listed in the Apple App Store offering protection for iOS which is something new to me. Checking the UK Kaspersky website it would appear that KIS is now a legacy product so wonder if this is why no boxed editions can be found. It looks like users are being encouraged to switch to the newer platforms.
  6. Have just had exactly the same thing happen to me using KIS the normally green Kaspersky green shield was red and a Subscription problem was highlighted despite my subscription still having 222 days to run before it expires! I tried to add the activation key again manually to no avail. As a last resort I clicked to update the Database, which went through ok then sanity returned and the red shield returned to a reassuring green once more. Had updated the databases only yesterday so cannot understand why this happened and hope it is not a problem due to the situation with Russia and Ukraine. Kaspersky usually runs smoothly so this came as a bit of a shock.
  7. Does KIS 2019 v give full protection against Ransomware via the System Watcher? I also have Cybereason RansomFree installed and wonder whether this is overkill or a sensible precaution to have these days.
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