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Hello. I have recently bought a Microsoft Surface Pro 11th Edition and Kaspersky Premium, but when I tried to install it, I found out it doesn't support arm devices yet, and Prism only runs on user-space so KVRT can't load its drivers either(just checked, KART or Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware tool doesn't work either). Does Kaspersky have any plans to fix this?

Posted (edited)



Kaspersky Version:

Edited by secret
  • 1 month later...


I have also a Surface Pro 11, replacing my old Surface Pro 7.

I cannot use Kaspersky 5 licenses and Kaspersky VPN on my Surface Pro 11.

For now, I purchased a Bit Defender 1 license for the Surfae Pro 11 while Kasperky is used on my other laptop.

Now I need VPN on my Surface pro 11 because I am travelling a lot, so I had to spend again more money to buy a VPN.

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