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Scan hangs at com.apple.telemetry

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Hello, I using macOS Mojave 10.14.5 and KIS It happens very frequently to have the scanning (let it be Quick or Full) hang at the same object com.apple.telemetry. I'm unable to stop the scan too. The only resolution is to restart the machine. This issue was present on High Sierra too. Please advise. Thank you!
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  • Flood and Flood's wife


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  • h3x00r


+1 - I'm getting the same issue too.
Flood and Flood's wife
  h3x00r said:
Hello, I using macOS Mojave 10.14.5 and KIS It happens very frequently to have the scanning (let it be Quick or Full) hang at the same object com.apple.telemetry. I'm unable to stop the scan too. The only resolution is to restart the machine. This issue was present on High Sierra too. Please advise. Thank you!
Hello h3x00r, Welcome! As well as the info posted by Richbuff please collect logs - https://support.kaspersky.com/common/macos/10909 Thanks!
Igor Kurzin
Hi, no reproduction on our test stand. If the issue persists, please submit a ticket to technical support via https://my.kaspersky.com Thank you
  • 1 month later...
I have no solution for the scan task hanging, but I was able to "stop" the task by bring up Activity Monitor and killing the kav process. I performed a Force Quit action. The process re-spawned. When I looked back at the Kaspersky GUI, the Scan icon was not active. The scan task that was hung at 5% now indicated "failed". I was then able to manually run a Quick Scan.
Welcome. Please collect logs and submit a ticket as Igor Kurzin and FLOOD have indicated in the posts above your post.
  • 1 month later...
i am having the same issue making Kaspersky almost useless.
Welcome. Please collect logs and submit a ticket as Igor Kurzin and FLOOD have indicated in the posts above your post.
I just purchased and downloaded Kaspersky Internet Security today August 8, 2019 and it is SO SLOW. I'm running macOS Mojave 10.14.6 on a 2018 Mac Mini with SSD, Intel i7 six-core, and 16GB RAM. Kaspersky is so frustrating. Quick-Scan calculates 57 Hours. Full-Scan calculates 36 Days. Both scans hang. It seems to hang on com.apple.telemetry --- as posted by another user 2 months ago! What's going on? Thanks.
Flood and Flood's wife
Hell Abe, Welcome. After the KIS install, were any changes made to any settings? If "yes" please tell us how KIS is configured? Have you uninstalled KIS, rebooted, downloaded and installed KIS, rebooted and rechecked the scan tasks? Can you please collect logs - https://support.kaspersky.com/common/macos/10909 Please let us know? Thank you. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS4Mac/20.0/en-US/118665.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS4Mac/20.0/en-US/118668.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS4Mac/20.0/en-US/58390.htm
  • Solution
I installed Kasperky Internet Security then ran a Quick-Scan and tried a Full-Scan. Both were taking an extremely long time and would not finish. I think I was able to make Kasperky Internet Security work properly after Force Quiting (killing) the kav process using Activity Monitor, rebooting my Mac, then relaunching Kasperky. Quick-Scans now complete in about 5-minutes, and Full-Scans take about 45 minutes. It's working now. Thanks.
Flood and Flood's wife
  Abe said:
I think I was able to make Kasperky Internet Security work properly after Force Quiting (killing) the kav process using Activity Monitor, rebooting my Mac, then relaunching Kasperky. Quick-Scans now complete in about 5-minutes, and Full-Scans take about 45 minutes. It's working now. Thanks.
Hello Abe, Thanks for posting back and for sharing your solution:clap_tone3:. We're glad KIS scans are working now:relaxed:. Kaspersky software can be configured to scan new and changed objects, that's a useful configuration to use after the system has been subjected to a successful full scan. Using new/changed mode can also reduce the scan runtime. Best regards. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS4Mac/20.0/en-US/166063.htm
I spoke too soon. The problem is back. KIS hangs on macOS Mojave 10.14.6. I had a scheduled Quick-Scan that launched at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. It is hung at 3% complete, and has been running now for over 7 hours. Do I have to manually kill and restart everyday? I hope not! I have the .crash files shown in the screen capture. Should I send them to someone? Thanks, Abe
Please collect logs and submit a ticket as Igor Kurzin and FLOOD have indicated in the posts located earlier in this topic thread.
I opened a tech support case and sent the screen shots as well as the SendToKL.zip file generated by the KLlogsGather script. Among other things the script appears to test for incompatible apps: INCOMPATIBLE_APP_TEST="Avast|AVG|AnyConnect|ClamXav|Handsoff|iAntivirus|iav|McAfee|TrendSmart|VirusBarrier|WaterRoof|Cisco|Sophos|Bitdefender|Malwarebytes I have Malwarebytes Premium trial active on my Mac. I like it. I wonder if its "App Block" feature is interfering with KIS. I disabled "App Block" in Malwarebytes and will let the KIS scheduled Quick-Scan run again tonight. But as mentioned above, I have a tech support case open so we'll see what they say. Thank you.
Flood and Flood's wife
  Abe said:
I opened a tech support case and sent the screen shots as well as the SendToKL.zip file generated by the KLlogsGather script. Among other things the script appears to test for incompatible apps: I have Malwarebytes Premium trial active on my Mac. I like it. I wonder if its "App Block" feature is interfering with KIS. I disabled "App Block" in Malwarebytes and will let the KIS scheduled Quick-Scan run again tonight. But as mentioned above, I have a tech support case open so we'll see what they say.
Hello Abe, Welcome back!
  1. I like Malwarebytes too, however, I run MB on demand, never synchronously with Kaspersky AV products.
  2. It's like having 2 alpha males, they'll always compete, it's never a comfortable marriage.
  3. Kaspersky AV products & MB have so many similar core functions, I would always remove MB before trying to install Kaspersky software.
  4. After Kaspersky is established & running successfully, I'd reinstall MB, test the impact on both products.
Please keep us updated with the feedback from the lab and the results. Best regards. ----- Kaspersky's recommendations to prepare a system before installing Kaspersky software: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/macos/8418 "Can I install two or more antivirus solutions on macOS (OSx )?" "It is possible to install two or more antivirus solutions at once, but you may encounter the following limitations: Running several antivirus solutions simultaneously requires more operating system resources. This may affect the performance of your Mac. If you use a Kaspersky Lab solution alongside incompatible applications, it may work incorrectly and operating system errors may occur. We recommend that you uninstall such applications before installing a Kaspersky Lab solution" https://support.kaspersky.com/15187 - List of applications incompatible with Kaspersky Internet Security 20 for Mac
First I want thank everyone for their help. But the problem persists. I have a case open with tech support and will detail their suggestions further down. In the mean time, I'm wondering about the following in KIS:
  1. How do I know if a scheduled scan ran? I don't see any status for my overnight scheduled scans in the Scan window pane as I do for my manually run scans. Where should the scheduled scan status appear so I can know if they completed successfully overnight? (Or maybe they didn't complete, so I'm not seeing the status?)
  1. From a Google search, it appears that Kaspersky once included an unistaller option as part of the install process. Selecting uninstall would thoroughly remove Kaspersky and it's components across all directories on the computer. I no longer see this feature in the installer. How do I completely remove Kaspersky so I can try reinstalling from scratch? Is there an option to fully uninstall Kaspersky or do I have to find a 3rd party utility or manually traverse every location where Kaspersky left its footprints and remove files manually?
I thoroughly removed Malwarebytes last night. They provide an easily accessible Uninstall option from a pull-down menu. Tech support suggested running Disk Utility which will check for correct permissions across my entire disk drive. No issues found, permissions are fine. I did this even though it does not explain why KIS runs to completion sometimes and not others. If there were a permissions problem, I would assume that the scans would always exhibit the same problem of not completing. However, they complete sometimes and not others. I ran a manual Quick-Scan this morning and it hung. I quit KIS, killed the kav process, relaunched KIS then ran a manual Quick-Scan (5 minutes) and Full-Scan (40 minutes) and they completed. BUT, I had to kill and relaunch KIS first which is not acceptable. Tech support also wants me to enable Tracing in KIS. Run some scans, run the KLlogs gather tool, and send them the SendToKL.zip file. I sent the SendToKL.zip last time but I did not have Tracing enabled. They also want scan reports. Easier said than done because if the scan hangs, it doesn't generate a report. It will generate a beautiful report if the scan finishes. Hmm. I'll keep fighting this for a while. I may even try installing KIS on a couple older Macs with macOS 10.13 and 10.11. I'm wondering if KIS has been thoroughly tested on macOS 10.14 Mojave. I'm not yet sure why I'm having these problems but appreciate the support!
Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Abe Thanks for posting back: Scan - how do I know: "Scheduled scan", "manual scan" "scan - general" = What's the difference between Full Scan, Quick Scan, and Custom Scan tasks? https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS4Mac/20.0/en-US/166063.htm Perform common tasks > View the application operation report Open the Reports window. In the menu bar, choose Protection > Reports. https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS4Mac/20.0/en-US/58775.htm View a scan task report https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS4Mac/20.0/en-US/58390.htm ----- Uninstall Kaspersky application: https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS4Mac/20.0/en-US/118671.htm
  1. In the menu bar, choose Help > Kaspersky Internet Security Support.
  2. In the dialog that opens, click Uninstall.
  3. The Kaspersky Internet Security uninstaller starts.
  4. In the window that opens, click Uninstall again.
  5. In the prompt for administrator credentials, enter an administrator name and password and confirm that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security.
  6. Uninstallation of Kaspersky Internet Security starts.
  7. Read the information about the uninstallation and click Quit to quit the uninstaller.
  8. Kaspersky Internet Security is now removed from your computer.
  9. You don't have to restart your computer after removing the application.
  10. Note: Uninstalling Kaspersky Internet Security doesn't automatically delete the application extension from Google Chrome and Firefox. For instructions on managing browser extensions in these browsers, please refer to your browser documentation.
---- To enable Tech Support to assist, all requested data is vital. ---- Please keep us updated with any TS feedback you receive? Thanks
  • 2 weeks later...
I have a similar problem where if I attempt any scan, even a single photo, it immediately becomes stuck saying "1% calculating". I have attempted to leave it on this stage with full scans and it has not become unstuck, whereas a one file scan will eventually (after 10-15 minutes) become unstuck and scan successfully. The method I have found to resolve this is restart my computer and immediately attempt the full scan or if I successfully complete a scan subsequent scans progress with no issue. Here are the specifications of my computer:
I fully uninstalled Kaspersky. I fully uninstalled Malwarebytes. I stopped all backup agents for Carbon Copy Cloner. Reinstalled Kaspersky. It still freezes. I uninstalled Kaspersky. I installed Norton and Malwarebytes. Both work flawlessly. Problem solved. I was getting tired of being a Kaspersky beta tester along with my day job. I'm running a new Mac Mini with macOS Mojave 10.14.6. [Norton is free from my ISP. It ain't so bad. It works.].
I am also having the same problem with the hang at 1% and unable to scan or quit the scan. I am using the latest version of the app and Mac OS.
Flood and Flood's wife
  Abe said:
I was getting tired of being a Kaspersky beta tester along with my day job.
Hello Abe, Thanks for posting back! May I ask please, did Kaspersky Technical Support not offer any solution(s)? Please let us know? Thanks.
Kaspersky tech support offered a few information gathering steps for additional trouble shooting but no direct solution. They suggested running Disk Util First Aid first to correct any disk permission issues. However, I think Apple changed Disk Util behavior in recent macOS so there's no obvious permissions check, but I ran Disk Util to completion anyway. No issues found. The other items they provided were not solutions but a variety information gathering tasks, some were not possible because KIS would freeze. I'll include tech support suggestions below. I thought the simplest thing to do was to completely uninstall KIS based on the steps you provided. Thank you. I also removed Malwarebytes and checked for any background tasks that might interfere including turning OFF any automated backups using Carbon Copy Cloner and turning OFF Time Machine. Pretty basic stuff. After reinstalling KIS, scans would sometimes run to completion but as before, they would often lockup both on manual and scheduled scans. Frankly, I got tired of dealing with it when other security suites install and just run with no issues - Norton & Malwarebytes, for example. I had high hopes for KIS as they are very highly rated, but perhaps this is on Windows and maybe older macOS, I'm not sure. I pre-paid for two years of KIS but I've already spent much more on it based on my time. I have a day job and KIS "beta testing" was eating into my productivity so it was no longer worth the hassle. It was time to cut bait and try something else. I do sincerely appreciate the support that I have received here. Perhaps I'm giving up too soon but I'm done trying to make KIS work when others just work no-brainer straight out of the box. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = SYSTEM: Model Name: Mac mini Model Identifier: Macmini8,1 Processor Name: Intel Core i7 Processor Speed: 3.2 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 6 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 12 MB Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled Memory: 16 GB macOS Mojave 10.14.6 MacMiniSSD: Available: 808.41 GB (808,405,102,592 bytes) Capacity: 1 TB (1,000,240,963,584 bytes) Mount Point: / File System: APFS Writable: Yes Ignore Ownership: No BSD Name: disk1s1 Volume UUID: C9C38D1E-2A19-49D6-AC9F-DCB6A9C978A1 Physical Drive: Device Name: APPLE SSD AP1024M Media Name: AppleAPFSMedia Medium Type: SSD Protocol: PCI-Express Internal: Yes S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Copy n' Pasted from Tech Support email (without the screen capture examples they included): I would like to ask you to try the following: 1. Open Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility) 2. If necessary, click the First Aid tab. 3. Select your hard drive listed on the left. 4. Click "Repair Disk Permissions" to verify and repair permissions. Then, please try to run Scan manually instead of scheduled and see if issue persists. If issue still persists, please submit the following: Data #1: 1. Enable Tracing. To do so, click on the "K" icon at the top right-hand side of your task-bar -> "Preferences" –> "Information" –> tick “Enable tracing”. 2. Reproduce the issue with the application. 3. Disable Tracing (go to "Preferences" –> "Information" –> untick “Enable tracing”) 4. Please download the logs gathering tool from this link: http://media.kaspersky.com/utilities/consumerutilities/KLLogsGather.zip In case of an authorization request where you are asked for a username and password, simply copy the URL as a text and paste into the address bar of browser. Afterward, unpack and run the file, it will result in the following notification: “Logs gathering process has been completed. SendToKL.zip archive has been created on your desktop.” 5. Attach the resulting archive SendToKL.zip to your reply. More information about our KLlogs gathering tool is available here: http://support.kaspersky.com/us/general/dumps/10909 Data #2: Please save and send us Kaspersky Scan report by following these simple steps: 1. Open up Kaspersky. You should see the Main Window of the application. 2. Click on the Scan Button. 3. Locate the most recent scan, click on the arrow in the black circle next to it. 4. Select the Scan report so it will be highlighted and export it by clicking on the icon in the right hand upper corner. 5. Save the report. 6. Send the report back to us as an attachment. Don’t hesitate to contact for any assistance.
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