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Roblox doesn't work when Safe Kids is activares


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Or maybe not, close call because it happened around the same time I received this response:

“Dear customer,
Thank you for your patience.
Our Escalation Team have just replied to us with the latest update.
The fix was actually released a day ago. So it seems to have made it work.
Let us know if you need further assistance.
Have a good day and stay safe!
Amin || Technical Support Representative
If the suggested solution did not help or you need more information, you can simply reply to this e-mail leaving the subject line unchanged.
If you have no further questions and the issue is in fact resolved, then you can simply ignore this message, and we will close this request for you within 5 days.
Best regards,
Kaspersky Lab Technical Support”

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Hello @SonarSubs,

Thank you for both updates👌 

So, the email from Kaspersky Lab Technical Support was received in last 2 days→ in all of our tests, irrespective of the child Age template, Roblox has never been automatically blocked by KSK - that’s the problem, if it had, it would be easy to fix by applying Allowed exclusions (as you’ve done). 

Hopefully, @SwaQ, @Roselyn & @Neildavies will report the status of the issue? 

Thank you🙏


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здравствуйте, обратная проблема. устройство ребенка работает по расписанию. все игры заблокированны в определенный промежуток времени, НО Roblox работает в любой момент (доступ на заблокированном экране ВЫКЛЮЧЕН) все игры не работают, а только Roblox открывается. 2 часа искал решение проблемы, ничего не нашел, подозреваю что Roblox система видит не как игру. а что то другое (ведь внутри нее находятся другие игры)
помогите пожалуйста вернуть контроль над телефоном!

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Hello @TemaPS91,


  • Please forgive us for replying in English; unfortunately we are banned from using a translator & unfortunately, I’m unable to write Russian without the use of translator software…. 😞
  • What is the phone name & version KSK is installed on? 
  • What age is your child please?
  • In MyKaspersky, Kids tab, Application monitoring, can you not see Roblox



Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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​​​​​​​1. Roblox давно установлен, конечно телефон перезагружал

  1. ​​​​​​​да из Google PlayStore
  2. 9 лет (по уму лет 5)

нет управления на Roblox

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  1. Roblox давно установлен.
  2. конечно телефон перезагружал
  3. да из Google PlayStore
  4. 9 лет (по уму лет 5)

нет управления на Roblox

  1.  Roblox has been installed for a long time.
  2. Phone rebooted - yes. 
  3. Google playstore
  4. 9 years (according to the mind of 5 years)
  • ❎ no control of Roblox



Regarding “9 лет (по уму лет 5)”/9 years (according to the mind of 5 years)”, ❓ what KSK Age template is configured? 

Please do the following:

  1. Uninstall Roblox. 
  2. Shutdown/power off → power on Xiaomi Redmi 7, login. 
  3. Uninstall KSK.
  4. Shutdown/power off → power on Xiaomi Redmi 7, login. 
  5. Download, install and configure KSK - for child.
  6. ⛔ If Roblox still does not show in KSK Application monitoring list:
  • Contact Kaspersky Technical Support, follow Getting technical support in your account guide & template (see image below):  include images - showing Roblox as an installed application, KSK - not showing Roblox listed, a detailed history of all steps taken, an AIDA64 report, also the Support Team may request Traces, if Traces are needed they will provide a special KSK version to install & the steps you need to take, to collect the logs.
  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.

Thank you🙏




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Hello @TemaPS91,

Additional step added:

  1. Uninstall Roblox. 
  2. Shutdown/power off → power on Xiaomi Redmi 7, login. 
  3. Uninstall KSK.
  4. Shutdown/power off → power on Xiaomi Redmi 7, login. 
  5. Download, install  and configure  KSK - for child.
  6. Install Roblox.
  7. Shutdown/power off → power on Xiaomi Redmi 7, login. 
  8. ⛔ If Roblox still does not show in KSK Application monitoring list, continue with escalation steps provided in previous reply. 

Thank you🙏


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