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PDM Trojan Win 32 generic

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I started FiveM and suddenly Kaspersky detected something called 'PDM: Trojan.Win32.Generic.' It told me to restart the computer and perform a scan, which I did, but nothing was found; it said the system was clean. However, when I entered FiveM again, the same thing happened. Could you please help me?

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-09-06 222511.png

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-09-06 222517.png

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Hello @Kiwis8, welcome.

'PDM' means that the started program wanted to perform a suspicious action. Since this was prevented by Kaspersky, you (hopefully) cannot find anything on your computer.

Only the support can help with a 'PDM' find, we cannot solve the problem in the forum.
Please proceed as follows: Files to send to Kaspersky technical support in case of PDM malware detection

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Thank you. What should I do now? Should I uninstall FiveM in the meantime?

By the way, how can I reach support here? It's my first time on the Kaspersky forum. Could you help me, please? Thanks again!

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That is difficult to say.
It could be a false positive.
I would leave the program on the computer until it has been clarified by support, but I would not start it again until then.

You can contact support here (please select your desired language at the top right of the page, then there may be additional options at the bottom of the page):

Customer Service for home and mobile applications (global page)

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I'm sorry, but only Support can answer this question.

The reason for the crash is certainly stored in a log, but we in the forum are not allowed to request or evaluate logs.

Sorry for not being able to answer your question satisfactorily again.

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