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Museo Sans fonts not showing in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console

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Hello, as the title says, a lot of strings show up as default fonts on the web console (v 13.2.571). Apparently, no browser can decode the following fonts (I tried Chrome, Firefox and Edge):

  • museo-sans-regular.woff2
  • museo-sans-bold.woff2

I checked the files on the server, and apparently they are not woff2 files, but Git LFS pointers. I also downloaded the latest release of the console (the .deb, in order to check more easily than the .exe), and the files are the same.

Here is the content of one of the files:

version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:e0e4efe0bee278bc03caaa7c015312409642f1affa5be1d4b2a06e4c0c78b243
size 48221

Is this a bug? Is there any way it could be solved?

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