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Make a group of apps/programs time limit.

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I would like to make a group of all games on my sons computer and phone and have a total amount of time he can spend playing games of any kind on his devices. After that time is reached he can still use non game apps and programs on his devices. Individual limits on individual games is pretty pointless as kids have lots of different games installed on their devices. Any way to do this?

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  1. I would like to make a group of all games on my sons computer and phone and have a total amount of time he can spend playing games of any kind on his devices. Any way to do this?
  2. Individual limits on individual games is pretty pointless as kids have lots of different games installed on their devices.

Hello @TrinitySoundSystem


  1. Sadly, there is no way to do this with KSK. The issue has been raised with KSK Russia HQ developers, it’s been in hand with them for a long time, there’s been no progress. 
  2. Agreed. 
  3. There are some Kaspersky staff who will encourage you to raise a Feedback, I have a suggestion & or, I have a complaint ticket with Kaspersky; (ioo) we think  it’s a waste of your time, many parents have done so, for similar issues, to no avail, however, it’s your choice → on the support page, select Email & or Chat, fill in Feedback, I have a suggestion & or, I have a complaint. 
  4. When it’s available, please share the outcome with the Community? 

Thank you🙏


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