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KPM doesn't allow me to copy passwords stored inside the vault in any way

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The password manager won’t allow me to copy my passwords in any way, either by clicking the copy button or by selecting the text and hitting ctrl c. Similarly, I can’t use the random password generator tool, as it doesn’t allow me to copy the generated password in my clipboard.

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The password manager won’t allow me to copy my passwords in any way, either by clicking the copy button or by selecting the text and hitting ctrl c. Similarly, I can’t use the random password generator tool, as it doesn’t allow me to copy the generated password in my clipboard.

Hello @SebastianoTocci


Please tell us:

  1. Device OS version & build, use Read before you create a new topic! as a guide? 
  2. KPM version, use Read before you create a new topic! as a guide? 
  3. Is the “password manager won’t allow me to copy my passwords in any way” issue new or has always existed? 
  4. Is the “can’t use the random password generator tool, as it doesn’t allow me to copy the generated password in my clipboard” issue new or has always existed? 
  5. Have you uninstalled & cleaned installed KPM? NOTE IF “no”, create a KPM backup beforehand and shutdown the machine using SHUTDOWN, not Restart, between the uninstall & new install. 
  6. Is KPM Premium or Free? 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏



KPM for Windows Online Help

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bring up an old topic, but it fits my issue. Just upgraded PC to a Windows11 machine and performed a clean install of KPM. It will not let me copy and paste passwords or other data that is normally able to be copied and pasted. I don't see a valid answer to the original question. Hopefully I'll get one.

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 in last updates for Windows 11 in some regions Microsoft added Copilot application for users. Unfortunately KPM has conflict with it when trying to copy password to clipboard.

We will fix it in 23.2.0.* release next month. Till the new release of KPM you can use the following workaround:

  1. Go to Taskbar settings in your Windows (Personalization -> Taskbar)
  2. Turn off the Copilot option
  3. Reboot your PC


You may encounter a similar problem when using third-party applications that monitor the clipboard. For example: VirtualBox, Punto Switcher, Download Master.


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