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Kids status report not updating for three days


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The status report (application, internet usage) has not been updating for three days.

I’m using KSK on kids’ computers which are Windows 10. It’s not been uninstalled or anything. I can still manage the settings, e.g. allowing or banning certain applications. But cannot see the total usage time in the report.

Today is 12 January, no report as per the below screenshot. If I choose “7 DAYS” then the last entries in the report are from 9 January.

Please advise what can be done to rectify this situation.


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Hello @FarhadG,


Please tell us:

  1. How long has Kaspersky Safe Kids (KSK) been installed? 
  2. If you sign onto the other Computers with the parent account, do the correct KSK Reports show? 
  3. OS & version, in Windows Search🔎 , type   winver    → press enter, on the winver exe, select Open, a small popup window will show the information ? 
  4. KSK version & patch(x) x=letter → on the Windows taskbar, rightclick the Kaspersky Safe Kids (KSK) icon, select About ? 
  5. Do all Windows updates have Successfully applied status -  in Windows Search🔎 , type   update history   → press enter,  select View your update history
  6. How often does the device get fully powered off
  7. Is there any other Kaspersky software installed? If “yes”, name, version & patch

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏


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I just wanted to add to this report.

Since (the last large update?( the update right around when reports stopped working for a few days for a lot of users), ever since then the reports seem to have periods of sluggishness and do not always update in a timely manner.

I created a ticket some time ago and they basically just said to reinstall the app. 

From my diagnosis this sure looks like something is happening on the Kaspersky end where either the client / server communications of activity are interrupted or the application database updates to the reporting are sluggish on the platform.

Working in IT I see this all the time where an issue is assumed to be on the users end (because a lot of issues generally can be related to client os) and only when enough reports come in that someone on the development team finally pours through the various logs (etl, app logs, etc) do they finally realize something was wrong on the host platform.

From what I see someone needs to do a serious bit of digging and not assume it is all on the client side. 
When you submit a ticket they do not even ask for your IP, so they are not even looking at the server and application logs as there will always be a way to verify communication in the platform if you have the clients IP. 

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Hi @SST , 

Usually IP address is not needed to troubleshoot the issues with client / server communication in case of Safe Kids statistics. Developers use client ID, machine ID to parse the logs. Normally we collect traces to check that the statistics is sent from the device to the server, if there are no issues with sending, then we research for possible issues on the server side. Traces + the email of the customer is enough for analysis.

You are right, often the issues are on the server side, but each case has to be analyzed individually. If you can kindly let me know the incident number to support, I will have a look at it. 

Regards, Igor

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