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Kaspersky Security Center Error 0x4E5

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Hi all,

I’m having an Issue With Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 every time I try to initiate an RDP session or a Windows Desktop Sharing session I get presented with Error 0x4E5. It used to work before, now it only works if I enabled the “Don’t disconnect form the administrative server” option.



Kaspersky Security Center 13.1
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6
Network Agent 13 & 12

Any Idea what might be causing it?
Thanks in advance.

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Please, open a ticket here.

Thanks for your response!

I did open a ticket and after 2 months of back and forth, the account manger closed the ticket without providing any solution and when we asked him to reopen the ticket we didn’t receive any response and honestly opening a new ticket won’t get us anywhere. We had many tickets opened in the past and they were mostly closed with no solution provided. We had to figure most of it on our own. And on many occasions we asked him to escalate the ticket to second or third level support and he just ignored it.
Trust me I wouldn’t ask on a community form if the support that we paid for actually provided us with support.

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