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HTTPS/443 Traffic to worldwide Kaspersky KSN Servers

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Hello Community, I'm in charge of the KES11 at work and in my firewall logs I see lots of traffic from all my Laptop Clients to lots of different Kaspersky Servers on Port 443 (which is blocked by default on my Firewall). The reason I'm wondering what this could be is the following: Our internal KSC-Server is the main update source for all Laptops here in the house and updates via worldwide Kaspersky Update Servers is only enabled on the mobile policy. I think this traffic may be KSN but my bosses don't want us to use it - so we didn't accept the terms of service and therefore KSN is disabled. Now where this stuff is coming up on my firewall logs and I'm not really having and explanation for this isn't exactly a good situation for me, so I'm here to ask if someone could link me some resources where it is explained what this traffic is for. I'll attach a picture of my firewall log. I checked for RIPE and it seems to be all legit Kaspersky Servers. Thank you so much in advance! Hoping to hear from you guys soon. Regards, TheRealForestElf
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Hello, you can manually add (in the download to repository-task) 'NON-http' download server from Kaspersky. Here is a list of the server:http://dnl-05.geo.kaspersky.com/updates/upd/updcfg2.xml
I asked what traffic there is being blocked. it's not update traffic. thank you for your answer but it's not what I asked for. The Task you are refering to is the download task on the server. The server can download from the Kasersky Servers over the proxy, therefore it does not move the traffic over the firewall.
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