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HAProxy in front of KWTS [Kaspersky Web Traffic Security]

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To use HAProxy as a load balancer in front of KWTS (iso installation and built-in proxy used) we recommend the following:

  1. HAProxy configuration:

        log local2
        chroot      /var/lib/haproxy
        pidfile     /var/run/haproxy.pid
        maxconn     4000
        user        haproxy
        group       haproxy
        stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats
        mode                tcp
        log                 global
        retries             3
        timeout queue       1m
        timeout connect     10s
        timeout client      1m
        timeout server      1m
        timeout check       10s
        maxconn             30000
    frontend kwts_proxy
        bind *:3128
        mode tcp
        default_backend kwts_proxy_pool
    backend kwts_proxy_pool
        balance leastconn
        mode tcp
        server kwts_node1 check send-proxy
        server kwts_node2 check send-proxy

    where and are KWTS IP addresses;
    3128 is the port where KWTS built-in proxy is listening (Settings → Built-in proxy server → Common → Port);
    8080 is the port of the load balancer.

  2. Configure KWTS to use PROXY protocol header (Settings → Built-in proxy server → Common → Load balancing → Mode);
  3. Make sure HAProxy IP address is in trusted list on KWTS (Settings → Built-in proxy server → Common → Load balancing → Trusted load balancers);
  4. If Kerberos proxy authentication is used, make sure keytab contains SPN record of FQDN address of the load balancer;
  5. Make sure that browser is configured to use FQDN and port of load balancer.
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