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Disable encrypted connections scan from KSC's policy

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Hi everyone,
In our company we have installed Kaspersky Security Center 13.2 server side 
and Kaspersky Endpoint Security on about 60 client.

Recently it happened a couple of times that the navigation was blocked 
with a warning of untrusted certificates. 
Trying to find a solution we read the following article:
where it's explained how to disable the scanning of encrypted connections 
and possibly add a white list of the desired sites. 
Since we manage the infrastructure by Kaspersky Security Center 
we would like to manage these parameters through policies but, 
once the new policy for version has been created, 
we cannot find the corresponding entry anywhere. 
Is it possible to manage the disabling of encrypted connection scanning from the KSC 
or only on the endpoint side? 
Thanks in advance for the support.

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