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Cannot perform DB maintenance or Backup due to sudden error happening.

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My company has been using KSC10 and started getting the error below.
Event "Task "Database maintenance" completed with error" occurred on device Administration Server in Windows domain WORKGROUP on Tuesday, April 9, 2019 11:29:54 AM (GMT-05:00) Generic db error: "802 '{42000} There is insufficient memory available in the buffer pool.; There is insufficient memory available in the buffer pool.' LastStatement='DBCC CHECKDB WITH NO_INFOMSGS;'"
We upgraded to KSC11 hoping it would solve the issue however, it did no such thing. Everything seems to be functioning properly but we can not perform DB management or backups because of the error. I am "knowledgeable" in SQL operations but in no way proficient. We are using the recommended SQLExpress 2014 that was suggested in the initial installation process. This is where my confusion is starting. SQL Express edition doesn't have the buffer pool option. Its only in Standard and Datacenter. So why all of a sudden did KSC start trying to use it? More importantly how do I make it stop? I tried setting the actual server memory allocation with the ratio of 10gb to the system and 22gb to the SQL server by way of the following query: EXEC sys.sp_configure N'min server memory (MB)', N'128' GO EXEC sys.sp_configure N'max server memory (MB)', N'22528' GO RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO I then rebooted the entire server and tried again and nothing.. I know that SQL express doesn't offer buffer pool function but figured I would try to issue this command: USE master GO ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET BUFFER POOL EXTENSION ON (FILENAME = 'L:\KSC_SRV\SQL2014.BPE', SIZE = 220 GB); GO As one would expect I was promptly tossed an error that said this feature is not available in the Express edition. I am hoping someone else has had this issue, or at least knows why its happening and can point me in the right direction to resolve it. Otherwise I am quite certain our CTO and CSO are going to want to move away from Kaspersky and towards a different vendor. I had suggested simply purchasing a standard license of SQL Server with the buffer pool option, however they do not want to spend any more money fixing this if they are already weighing the options on 2 other EPM services as we "speak" so to say. I am not sure if its even possible to migrate the existing installation to something like MySQL or MariaDB without having to reinstall the whole server and create new deployment packages, then do everything all over again anyway. I would much rather find a resolution that doesn't involve me having to wipe the server and re-create all our policies, create new standalone installs, and physically deploy it all across our 6 locations in a 75 mile radius.. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer me with this.
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Well now, after looking into this further and based on the links provided, it would seem that the issue I am having is stemming from the fact that we are using the SQL Express 2014. The version does not support a buffer pool in any form so there is no way to make any adjustment to it. It makes no difference how much memory I assign to the SQL server since the issue is with it trying to access the buffer pool that doesn't exist. I tried looking through the files in the Program files folder: Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS_KSC\MSSQL That is where the MSSql server is installed, and I don't see any kind of .ini file that would allow me to tell it not to use a buffer pool, and I also don't see any way of telling the Security Center not to try using it. So if anyone else has had this issue and upgraded to the Standard Edition of MSSql 2014, would we as a company be better buying a core edition or one with CAL's? I am unclear how Microsoft would class the access since only the Kaspersky Security Center server is "accessing" the Database. All the end-points access the Security Server, not the SQL DB directly. Would we be able to just get a single CAL and Standard 2014 or would each End-Point count as a need for a CAL? If so we have 100+ end points, so I imagine a core license would be more cost effective. It seems like the upgrade to standard is pretty self sustained, you just load the install manager and choose the KAS DB and then hit upgrade. It does the rest on it's own.. Thanks again for any assistance.
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