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Cannot administrate remote computers through VPN

Go to solution Solved by Hichem Bouslama,

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Hichem Bouslama


One of our branches has computers connected through VPN (Fortinet), the computers have the network agent and KES installed , can ping the administration server , but the agent fails to connect to the administration serveur (error x0502 socket connection timeout). As a result , these computers are not detected by the administration server and cannot be administrated (It was working at some point since there was a last connection since april 2023, I don't know what changed exactly ) . I attached a screenshot of klnagchk utility

Thanks in advance

error socket timeout .png


Can you try, please, uninstall and reinstall Kaspersky Network Agent


If the problem remains, please open a ticket here.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution
Hichem Bouslama


It tried reinstalling the agent without success , I'll try opening a ticket and see 



Renan Corassa

Can the host ping the IP registered with the network agent? Can you telnet to IP+Porta to check if the connection is successful?

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