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Can new ticket still be opened for region activation issue?

Go to solution Solved by Danila T.,

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Hall of Famer


As Kaspersky was exiting in USA, I opened a ticket back in July 2024 to change my region from USA to Global, and they said they had removed region restriction for me. However, I got an error that subscription could not be renewed. I checked my account and it still says my region is USA, and I wanted to open a new ticket to change this. However, I am not getting any email notification that my ticket has been opened or received. So I want to ask, is it still possible to open such ticket to change my region? If not possible, do I have to ditch my user account and try to start over in a different region? Thanks.

Kaspersky region setting.jpg

Hall of Famer

Hi Danila T.

I tried to submit a new ticket yesterday but the ticket was not submitted at all, it did not confirm my ticket submission once I clicked the submit button. I tried again and the same happened.

Flood and Flood's wife
  On 1/10/2025 at 4:05 AM, Hall of Famer said:

As Kaspersky was exiting in USA, I opened a ticket back in July 2024 to change my region from USA to Global, and they said they had removed region restriction for me. However, I got an error that subscription could not be renewed. I checked my account and it still says my region is USA, and I wanted to open a new ticket to change this


Hello @Hall of Famer, 

  1. Also, do (you) have the *original* ticket number from July 2024, where Kaspersky said "they had removed region restriction"; it's prefixed with INC0000 -> IF 'yes', please post that here ? 
  2. For creating a *new* incident, does it help IF (you) use a different browser & this URL: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/b2c/us#contacts
  3. IF (you) do successfully create the ticket, in the *Details* make sure (you) mention Danila T. has asked (you) to submit it & that the previous ticket was not completed. 

Thank you🙏

Hall of Famer

Hi Flood and Flood's wife:

1. The original ticket number was INC000016679094, back on July 25, 2024 I received an update stating that the regional restriction had been removed.

2. I tried Firefox and Google Chrome, neither seems to be submitting the ticket properly, it got stuck at the page below:


Also when I opened developer console, it says "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405; kl-functions.js:1008 tracking triggered problem-form__submit_fail", so the form was clearly not submitted properly. Can someone open a ticket for me manually if I cannot do it?


  • Thanks 1
Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)
  On 1/11/2025 at 4:36 AM, Hall of Famer said:
  •  The original ticket number was INC000016679094, back on July 25, 2024 I received an update stating that the regional restriction had been removed.
  •  I tried Firefox and Google Chrome, neither seems to be submitting the ticket properly, it got stuck at the page below:


  • Also when I opened developer console, it says "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405; kl-functions.js:1008 tracking triggered problem-form__submit_fail", so the form was clearly not submitted properly.
  • Can someone open a ticket for me manually if I cannot do it?

Hello @Hall of Famer, 

Thank you for posting back & the information!

  1. So even with the *new* URL -> https://support.kaspersky.com/us/b2c/us#contacts - (you) still get the same "405 _submit_fail" error? Please check IF (you) have not done so? 
  2. The  "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405; kl-functions.js:1008 tracking triggered problem-form__submit_fail" information, from the developer console - is very useful - it will help Kaspersky. 
  3. The *original*  INC000016679094 will help @Danila T. work out why Kaspersky appear not to have completed the work correctly in July 2024. 
  4. Can you *recreate* the problem - i.e. try to submit the request so the "405 _submit_fail" error happens & collect Console & HAR logs please - @Danila T.- may ask for them; READ: How to collect console and HAR logs
  5. To protect (your) privacy & security no-one in the Community can actually submit the ticket on (your) behalf (without) your email address - which (you) must not disclose here in a public forum; Danila T. will be able to collect all of (your) information from the original ticket INC000016679094 -> we don't actually understand why (you're) even being asked to create a *new* ticket - Kaspersky appear to have dropped the ball by telling you, in June 2024, "they had removed region restriction"; IF in fact they had not done so; now they want you to jump thru hoops to put in another request for the same thing - makes little sense to us. 

Please post back. 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
Corrected one month
  • Like 1
Hall of Famer

Hi Flood and Flood's wife:

I tried again with the url you provided, and same issue on both Firefox and Google Chrome, I've attached a screenshot of the error messages on chrome's developer console:


Actually I tried to reply to the original ticket, and was told that it was closed back in August, and I need to open a new ticket instead. Below was the automatic response from Kaspersky:


Dear customer,

Please be informed that the status of your request has been changed to 'Closed'.
Case description:
Regional activation error

If you are in need of further assistance, please submit a new request via this link: New Request.

Please do not reply to this automatically generated message, as your reply will not be received. We wish you much joy with your Kaspersky products!



  • Thanks 1
Flood and Flood's wife
  On 1/11/2025 at 3:40 PM, Hall of Famer said:

I tried again with the url you provided, and same issue on both Firefox and Google Chrome, I've attached a screenshot of the error messages on chrome's developer console:


Actually I tried to reply to the original ticket, and was told that it was closed back in August, and I need to open a new ticket instead. Below was the automatic response from Kaspersky:


Hello @Hall of Famer, 

Thank you for the update!

(You) are not the first US based person who's been unable to submit a support request since the transition. 

IF an INC is closed it's not possible to re-activate it, however, don't worry about that - INC000016679094 - has (your) email address & all the information @Danila T.needs to start looking into the issue & there's nothing you can do about: "failed to load resource: the server responded with a status code of 405 () us/mvp/formsend:1"; that's up to Kaspersky. 

Thank you🙏

Hall of Famer

Hi Flood and Flood's wife:

So you are saying that what will happen now is up to @Danila T. to investigate, and I can only wait for further notice? If so, will I receive an update from email or in this thread?


  • Thanks 1
Flood and Flood's wife
  On 1/11/2025 at 4:47 PM, Hall of Famer said:

So you are saying that what will happen now is up to @Danila T. to investigate, and I can only wait for further notice? If so, will I receive an update from email or in this thread?


Hi @Hall of Famer, 

Thank you for posting back!

Yes, please patiently wait for @Danila T.. It's the weekend now so eta would be Mon, Tue or even Wed. 

Also, check: https://forum.kaspersky.com/notifications/options/ & make sure (your) Notification Settings are configured correctly? 

Thank you🙏

Hall of Famer

@Flood and Flood's wife

I understand, thx for your help and I will be waiting for @Danila T.'s update for the next 3-4 days.

  • Thanks 1
Danila T.

Hello @Hall of Famer!

You will be contacted shortly.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
Hall of Famer
Posted (edited)

@Danila T.

Thanks for the update, I did receive an update but it was not helpful at all. Whoever wrote to me clearly had no idea what happened back in July 2024, when they claimed to have removed my regional restriction and my license changed from USA to Global so I could continue to use Kaspersky.

This was their response in the new case:


Due to the US prohibition, we are forced to turn off the automatic renewal of subscriptions. All licenses will keep functioning until their original expiration date.


But back in July 2024, I provided my license to them to move my license to a different region, and got an approved notice from them:



Thank you for your email.

Looking into your inquiry, we found the regional restriction on your license has already been removed. You can now use your activation code for activation again.


They did mention in an earlier response that I was advised to purchase a Global license once the license expires. So I am confused, can they actually move my license to a different region or not? And if not, how do I purchase a global license(link will be helpful)? Thanks.

Edited by Hall of Famer
  • Thanks 1
Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)
  On 1/14/2025 at 3:54 AM, Hall of Famer said:
  1. How do I purchase a global license (link will be helpful)? Thanks.

Hello @Hall of Famer, 

Thanks for the update!

  1. We'll leave all of it to @Danila T. - apart from the link to the Global website https://www.kaspersky.com/home-security - so (you) can look at the software range in advance. 
  2. Our advice - don't purchase a *new* subscription until the current region issue is resolved.
  3. IF & when (you) do purchase a *new* Kaspersky subscription, from a Kaspersky website, it activates on the purchase date/successful transaction - read the Shopping cart Information *carefully* - select each (i) icon. 
  4. Does (your) MyKaspersky account reflect a change in the Region? IF 'no', share the image with them so they understand                                                                                                                       image.thumb.png.313b1b7db8436cf8c383ea48926f8cef.png

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
added image
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Hall of Famer

@Flood and Flood's wife

They replied to me again but it confused me a lot, seems they were unable to do it for me this time.


The license linked to your My Kaspersky account is a US edition and such licenses cannot be renewed anymore due to the current restrictions in the US.

Also in the previous ticket we have only lifted the regional restriction since your location was "Costa Rica" which is solely for activation purposes & doesn't make the application work as normal in the US.

I am very sorry but we will not be changing My Kaspersky country as it must match the actual country where the user is using the product.


And nope, my region is still USA bound.



If my understanding is correct, even if I can renew the license while being outside of USA, the license will stop working anyway once I return to USA? If so, perhaps my only option is to purchase a global license? Though in the case, can the global license be used with a USA IP? Or I have to use a VPN from another country in order to continue using Kaspersky?

  • Thanks 1
Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)
  On 1/15/2025 at 4:29 AM, Hall of Famer said:

@Flood and Flood's wife

They replied to me again but it confused me a lot, seems they were unable to do it for me this time.

And nope, my region is still USA bound.



If my understanding is correct, even if I can renew the license while being outside of USA, the license will stop working anyway once I return to USA? If so, perhaps my only option is to purchase a global license? Though in the case, can the global license be used with a USA IP? Or I have to use a VPN from another country in order to continue using Kaspersky?


Hello @Hall of Famer, 

Thank you for the update! 

  • Re this from Kaspersky: "I am very sorry but we will not be changing My Kaspersky country as it must match the actual country where the user is using the product."
  1. Doesn't that contradict what Kaspersky wrote to (you) June/July? 
  2. It's actually not an accurate statement. 

Nice mess Kaspersky😖!

Is @Danila T. still overseeing (your) case? 

  • Using a GLOBAL license (you'll) still have to use a VPN - because of the ban (you'll) now always have to use a VPN
  • The *expert* support team should be advising / guiding (you) here, not making everything worse & OR confusing (you). 
  • A GLOBAL license is NOT bound by any regional / location restrictions - however - because of the US ban - you may need help activating it - again, the *expert* Kaspersky support team should be helping (you) - do they know (you're) interesting in purchasing a GLOBAL subscription? 
  • Once a GLOBAL subscription is activated it can be used anywhere in the world - the reason things stop on re-entry to the US is bc of the BAN -> a VPN circumvents the BAN as long as (you) have a GLOBAL license/subscription & the *new* software installed.
  • IF, for example, (you) were physically located in the UK & purchased a UK Kaspersky subscription & activated it in the UK, (you) could still use it in the US as long as (you) used a VPN - read *all* of this: Guide on Kaspersky software availability in the United States. IF there's anything in this document (you) don't understand - come back & ask!

Go back to them @Hall of Famer, tell them (you) need their help. 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
added 2.
Hall of Famer

@Flood and Flood's wife

According to what they wrote to me last time, it seems that yes I do need help activating it. It does confuse me a little whether it works anywhere or it works not in US.


A Kaspersky license can usually be activated only in the region where the license is purchased. After a successful activation, the program works anywhere. Kaspersky programs, however, do not work in the US due to governmental restriction.

Should there be a need to make a purchase at our global store, you may access our ".com" site here:



And yes they are aware of the fact that I am interested in purchasing a global license, the issue is that the provided link does not work, it shows this screen to me. If I click on the inner link for non-US customers, it does not work for me anyway.


Seems that, I will have to use a non-USA IP to access the page and purchase global license?

  • Thanks 1
Hall of Famer

@Flood and Flood's wife

It seems that they provided me with a link for US Sales statement, with a hashtag #kaspersky-vpn-secure-connection. However, when I click on that link it doesnt show me the section for Kaspersky VPN. Is it just me or you also cannot see it yourself? I just want to make sure if it is a problem only I am facing, thanks.


  • Thanks 1
Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)
  On 1/17/2025 at 3:58 AM, Hall of Famer said:

@Flood and Flood's wife

It seems that they provided me with a link for US Sales statement, with a hashtag #kaspersky-vpn-secure-connection.

However, when I click on that link it doesn't show me the section for Kaspersky VPN.

Is it just me or you also cannot see it yourself?

I just want to make sure if it is a problem only I am facing, thanks.



Hello @Hall of Famer, 

Thank you for previous reply & this reply!

Sorry for delay responding, we reached out to Kaspersky & were waiting for a response.

Specifically re the US BAN - according to @Danila T., Kaspersky VPN is *not* part of the ban, it's not in: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/faq/2024-us-sales-statement

There's nothing about the VPN in the statement bc it has not been banned in the USA - Kaspersky's VPN is provided by an offshore company called Pango, the same company that Kaspersky enlisted to provide UltraAV.

Kaspersky needs to train their staff. 

  1. ***Which Kaspersky Premium subscription*** are you interested in purchasing @Hall of Famer, how many devices & how many years?

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
Added 1.
Hall of Famer

@Flood and Flood's wife

I see, actually I am confused why I was shown the link for the VPN section as I actually dont use the Kaspersky VPN. I have been using Kaspersky Total Security(KTS), so I plan to continue using it. Ideally the number of devices is 3 and for years I plan to have lifetime license that renews every year, so I guess it does not matter? At the moment I still dont quite know, if I have to connect to a non-US IP in order to use Kaspersky, or a non-US IP is only needed to activate the product?

  • Thanks 1
Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)
  On 1/18/2025 at 4:47 AM, Hall of Famer said:
  • I see, actually I am confused why I was shown the link for the VPN section as I actually don't use the Kaspersky VPN.
  • I have been using Kaspersky Total Security(KTS), so I plan to continue using it.
  • Ideally the number of devices is 3 and for years I plan to have lifetime license that renews every year, so I guess it does not matter?
  • At the moment I still don't quite know, if I have to connect to a non-US IP in order to use Kaspersky, or a non-US IP is only needed to activate the product?

Hello @Hall of Famer, 

Thank you for posting back & the additional information!

***There is no Kaspersky VPN in the https://support.kaspersky.com/us/faq/2024-us-sales-statement - whomever - from Kaspersky support, gave you that information does not know their job; needs to be educated/trained & (ioo) should not be working on (your) case. 

Because (your) government has banned Kaspersky in the US as of September 29th 2024, the only way to get database updates etc is to use a VPN. 

For (you) to *now* get Database updates - (you) need to use a VPN -> Kaspersky Total Security comes with FREE Vpn, Free VPN is 200mb daily data allowance OR 300mb daily data allowance IF the KVPN application is connected to (your) MyKaspersky account *once* - (ioo) 200/300mb daily is not really enough to reliably support *any* AV application - our recommendation is to use an *alternative* FREE VPN with a bigger daily data allowance - we suggested this in an earlier reply. 

Kaspersky Total Security is Kaspersky's *old* software, it's been replaced by Kaspersky Plus, (if upgrading using Kaspersky's Free upgrade offer) OR Kaspersky Premium, IF purchasing a *new* Kaspersky subscription. 

Kaspersky does not sell a lifetime-license; IF (you) mean (you) plan to use Kaspersky for the rest of (your) life - it still matters which subscription is purchased, IF it's possible; we'd recommend purchasing a 2yr subscription so (you) don't go thru this nightmare every 12months. 

We've tried to get these answers for you & keep getting told: "he needs to work with the support team"; we've told Kaspersky: "the support team are giving him wrong information & confusing him" & we get told: "he needs to work with the support team"; it's like talking to a brick wall🤯

  1. Do (you) have family OR a friend who doesn't live in the US who can purchase a Premium subscription from the GLOBAL website for you, in (your) name - i.e. using (your) email address, so the subscription is sent to your MyKaspersky account, but the LOCATION is outside of the US & the payment processes?
  2. IF the answer is YES - ask support - will that work?

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
Modified 2 & For (you) to *now* get Database updates - (you) need to use a VPN -
Hall of Famer

@Flood and Flood's wife

Thx for your descriptive information, and if my understanding is correct, I only need to turn on Kaspersky VPN during database update? When it is not updating database, I can still use my normal IP address? Also thx for reminding me that KTS has been superceded by Kaspersky Plus, I think this is the one I will be using in future.

And yes I have my russian wife living in Costa Rica right now, and I think it should be qualified for purchasing global license? I also have access to both USA and Costa Rica IP, as I am an IT professional myself and I have set up home VPN in both my USA address and my wife's Costa Rica address. I also visit my wife from time to time.

On a side note, the support staff did not respond to my latest inquiry today, seems they dont work at weekends so I guess I have to wait until Monday to get further assistance.



  • Thanks 1
Hall of Famer

@Flood and Flood's wife

On the other hand, do you know if the global license allows choosing language? My wife lives in Costa Rica and we sure can purchase a global license from there, but I do not speak Spanish and the Kaspersky app will be close to unusable for me if it comes with Spanish language. I forgot how KTS used to work for me when I installed it back in 2010s, whether it had an option to choose languages. It will be helpful information to know if the Kapsersky installation allows language selection, or it will just match the language used in the region. Thanks.

  • Thanks 1
Flood and Flood's wife
  On 1/21/2025 at 3:58 AM, Hall of Famer said:

@Flood and Flood's wife

On the other hand, do you know if the global license allows choosing language? My wife lives in Costa Rica and we sure can purchase a global license from there, but I do not speak Spanish and the Kaspersky app will be close to unusable for me if it comes with Spanish language. I forgot how KTS used to work for me when I installed it back in 2010s, whether it had an option to choose languages. It will be helpful information to know if the Kaspersky installation allows language selection, or it will just match the language used in the region. Thanks.


Hello @Hall of Famer, 

Thank you for last two replies; apologies, we've been on a break, in a remote area with no access to Forum, etc. 

  • Purchasing the Global license is in Costa Rica *should* have the option to purchase in English.

We've compiled a lengthy reply to (your) questions posted 19th Jan 2025, we'd like to review it (before we post) as there's a *lot* of information to share with you. 

*Also* we have questions that impacts the information we share with (you):

  1. When does (your) *current* Kaspersky Total Security (KTS) Subscription/License *expire*? 
  2. Are Kaspersky support *aware* (you) reside in *both* Costa Rica & US? 
  3. What is Kaspersky support's *reason* for refusing to change the Region in (your) MyKaspersky account to Costa Rica - post a screen-image of their written response please AND *hide* any personal information *before* posting - for example (your) email address

Thank you🙏

Hall of Famer

@Flood and Flood's wife

Thx for your response, and to answer your questions:

1. My current KTS license expired at 1/7/2025 9:12 AM.

2. I've been talking to a support staff called Arsalan via ticket number INC000017191341 at the moment, though the support staff had no comment to make about possibly using the application in USA even with a VPN.

3. Actually, last time I checked, my region has been changed to 'Other countries and regions'(see the screenshot below), so I suppose they took care of this request finally? I am still unable to renew my current subscription though, so I guess I need to purchase a new license anyway?


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