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Anti-Cryptor doesn't start on OS boot [KES for Linux]

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Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials.


Sometimes Anti-Cryptor task in KESL won't be able to launch after the OS is started. This may happen because Anti-Cryptor needs all the protected network resources to be up before KESL service is started. In other words, Samba or NFS services should be started before KESL service. 


To resolve this problem you need to make sure that services start in the correct order.

For Systemd systems:

1. Create a file /etc/systemd/system/kesl.service.d/override.conf

# touch /etc/systemd/system/kesl.service.d/override.conf

2. Add the following to /etc/systemd/system/kesl.service.d/override.conf:

After=nfs-server.service smb.service

3. Reload services

# systemctl daemon-reload

For Sys V init systems: 

Rename Samba and NFS init files to make those services start earlier. E.g.

# mv /etc/rc3.d/<smb_init_file> /etc/rc3.d/S49smb
# mv /etc/rc3.d/<nfs_init_file> /etc/rc3.d/S49<nfs_init_file>

Where <smb_init_file> and <nfs_init_file> stand for current init files present in the system. NFS init file may have different name depending on your environment - nfs, nfs3 or nfs-server.

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