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  1. hey, so i DLed the executable from the link u provided, i reinstalled over the current version that i had, i rebooted when asked and it was showing the same red little icon just like in the picture i've sent. i clicked "details" the "subscription problem" message, and it was an "update status" option in the bottom right, clicked that and now the green icon reappeared so problem solved i guess, ty 🙂
  2. i am on a wi-fi connection, so i should reinstall w/o uninstalling anything? i will give it a go tomorrow, ty vm ❤️
  3. hey guys, so i use this kaspersy free version for over a year now (i think) and today it seemed like it turned off or smth, the little icon in the bottom right is red and when i go to the app main window it says "subscription problem". im attaching the picture to see what messages i actually get. my question is, while i get it that some features might be turned off or smth, is my pc protected at this point or whats going on? why would there be subscription expiring for a free version? which features are actually turned off if any? thank u in advance for the time and help, really appreciate it <3
  4. so i have reinstalled the KS security cloud being extra careful during the entire process on what i click, check etc and i managed to get it working. i now have KS security free active and protecting my pc :). thank you once again.
  5. hello and thank u for the fast response (as always) even tho i wasnt able to see it until now. the "personal" version of the kaspersky security cloud may be because of the offer i received back in november to test the trial version for 30 days. i have used the link u provided me (3 times already :) ) and the installer i've downloaded and executed is called : "ks4.". maybe there is something that im missing (why else isnt working if not for smth im missing tho :) ), but here's the picture of MyKaspersky subscriptions page : Atm it still shows as there is a bit more time remaining in the trial version (i assume), but i will come back later today with an updated pictured if needed. thanks and wish u a good day.
  6. hello, i come back with an update regarding my situation. Today is/was the last day of my premium trial period for kaspersky security cloud so i thought to revert back to the free version. not knowing any other way to do so, i uninstalled the software that i had on my pc (with restarts and registry cleaners (im using revo uninstaller for that)) and proceeded to install the installer that u provided in the link above (posted this past sunday by u) (which is the same installer u've provided me earlier in this topic and i was using btw). After i installed the new (i.e. old) kaspersky security cloud software, i got a window pop up that said my key is blocked (will link picture). i dont know how to activate the free verison. that is what i said earlier in this topic when i stated that i got lucky being offered the premium version for 30 days trial. when u have time, can u please try and sort this out together with me? like what steps must i follow, what am i doing wrong or what am i not doing? i'm trying to use the KS software but it seems it doesnt want me to use it...anyways thank u
  7. sure, will give that a try, ty for pointing it out to me. will come back and let u know how it worked, have a good day.
  8. hello, i'm reviving this topic asking if there's any news about the kaspersky free software being available where i live (Romania) seeing that my kaspersky security cloud trial version will expire in 3 days. I would really love to stick to kaspersky as my online protection, but as stated above, its not working... thank u and hopefully there's some good news to be shared ;)
  9. hey, thank you for the response, no need for apologies <3. 1. the application i installed from the link provided by you (https://www.kaspersky.com/free-antivirus) (which is ks4. asked me to connect to MyKaspersky account which i did and pretty soon after that (without me doing anything) i got the message that the "application is not active" (please see the attached screenshot above). 2. While i was trying to figure out how to activate the app ( more exactly what to do concerning that message that my app is not active and my computer protection is disabled), i got a message asking me if i want to try out the premium version for free for a period of 30 days. i jumped at the chance straight away and now i am at the start of this trial period of 30 days. 3. Even if now i'm happy that my kaspersky protection is up, i'm trying to prevent finding myself in the situation that i was a few hours before when i had a "subscription problem" and my app wasn't active and i didn't know what to do/how to activate it. that's what i'm trying to find out, cause if it's supposed to be a "seamless" process, well then i have to admit its not the case with me :(. Sorry for taking so much of your time with a problem regarding a free app/user, for the moment it's working (with this trial period), so i'm waiting to hear from you when you have a spare time (no hurry). Thanks again, and good day.
  10. thank u, but i'm trying to understand if it will revert to the "application is not active" situation after this 30 days period. seeing how that was the state of the app right after i installed it, i'm afraid that i'll find myself in the same place after this trial period expires. some explanation/reassurance would be appreciated, ty
  11. for the moment i have been given the option to activate premium for 30 days, but i would much appreciate if u could help me figure out how to activate it for good? thanks
  12. hey there, i'm back with my attempt at reinstalling kaspersky SC on my pc. I've tried to follow the steps u've previously laid out for me i.e. i downloaded Kaspersky Security Cloud Free from the link u've provided (https://www.kaspersky.com/free-antivirus), i installed it, entered my kaspersky account when prompted and then entered my kaspersky account over the webs to try and activate from there but i am lost, dont know how to activate it, i have no option in doing so (linking a pic to show u what i got). maybe u can help me to solve this, would be much appreciated
  13. thank u very much, i will do that as soon as time will allow me. meanwhile let me just express my appreciation and gratitude for the irreproachable service u're providing. promptitude, calmness and extensive explanations are things that at least i encounter rarely on the webs, making this customer experience much more valuable and appreciated. humble and honest thank you <3.
  14. hey, getting back to u with the info requested, im in EU region (Romania more specifically).
  15. since it's getting late over where i am, i will kindly ask u to continue this tomorrow. but, trying to answer as quickly and concise as i can to ur questions, i can say : 1. i can't remember the exact site. it should have been a redirect from searching "kaspersky free" or something along those lines on google 2. I don't have kaspersky installed atm on my pc cause it wasnt working (willing to do it as soon as i know what and how to make it working again) 3. yes 4. yes thanks and have a good evening, looking forward to solve this tomorrow
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