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  1. Jez... its getting worse... the nags just keep on coming. So I now get regular (almost every day) a pop up to nag me to renew.. My Kaspersky icon in the sys tray has gone red... and its now even getting windows security to alert and nag me.. WHY? when I have a new subscription already loaded into my account which will (so they tell me) automatically kick in when the old sub expires.... SO how am I supposed to renew so I dont get these nags? even if I do as the nags say and "renew" and pay for renewal... unless I enable the new term immediately (and lose/throw away remaining days on my existing sub.... and I am not doing that, out of principle I am not gifting them sub days just because they cant get their systems to work properly.)... how is it supposed to work?
  2. Wow.. are you in the habit of making excuses for poor quality? Re your point 1... Yes... it DOES know... from the screen shot I posted... it clearly DOES know there is a reserve license.. Its talking to the app on my PC (and all others using my Sub).. so it should behave sensibly. Point 2... KSK comes with premium.. so I didnt buy it per se.. it just came as part of package.. Point 2b.. I was trying to make excuses for it...but from what you say.. its not active.. so why it showing active? and it just compounds the problem.. not only is it showing active when it should not... its activated on new, when it should go into reserve like the main premium has.. so its a double whammy of crapness. 2c... we just agreed, it should not be active..as it never used.. 2d... I feel sorry for you.. and again, you just seem to be confirming my point, that the quality of the product is not as good as it should be. 3. Why should I have to do that? As I dont care about KSK... I am certainly not going to jump through all those hoops to get something I will never use fixed... I posted here for other people awareness and if moderated.. someone might pick it up and push for fix
  3. So, I am coming to the end of my years premium subscription, so I bought a renewal early... and to try and avoid the app nagging me (and the other 9 PC's that are on my 10 machine licence) I added it to my subscriptions in the "my Kaspersky" online app. It looked like it was going to behave sensibly.. as it said if I had an active sub... it would just hold the new sub and automatically start to use it when the current one runs out... GREAT. HOWEVER.. 1. if I go into the app... it does not nag me (yet? I have 21 days to go)... but does have a "renew" button very prominant...which takes me to Kaspersky web site to buy more!!! WHY? if I have a new licence queued... it should just shut up? 2. With my licence I get "kaspersky safe kids"... I dont use it, I dont have kids... but in my subscriptions page... it shows as "active".. which is sort of OK (may be one of the other PC's has it active), HOWEVER, if its used... it should queue up the new sub to run when it expires.... but it does not... it seems to be using the new license as well as the old one (both are counting down days left).. So its all a bit CRAP.... Anyone else seeing this? or anyone from Kaspersky who can comment... or may be even get it fixed? See screen shot of my subs page... Shout if what I have said is unclear or if you have questions. Cheers
  4. OK, thanks all... think we have cracked it. I think the issue was that kaspersky confuses Steam running as "you are playing a game" and so stops the normal update process. I never have steam staring with my PC, but I have been playing a game that means I dip into the game every 2 hours.. so I have tended to leave steam running. I have changed it so that "game mode" is not selected as an option (and ensured steam is exited) and sure enough... recently, kaspersky has been doing the update process every 2 hours. So Kaspersky should fix it.. such that game mode is only effective when you are genuinely playing a game.. But at least we seem to have a workaround. I would like to have "game mode" active for when I am genuinely playing a game... since now.. it might do an update when I am really playing a game (prob not a real issue.. my PC has enough grunt that it probably wont matter)..but for now.. having it disabled is the better option. Thanks to everyone for their help.
  5. Thanks.. I have not messed with the default settings.. which were per this screen shot... I have now updated per your screen shot... but would say. 1. Not a laptop.. so no battery mode 2. Not playing games for vast majority of time.. BUT... Steam may be running majority of time (since Steam tries to get users to run at machine startup... Kaspersky should not take that as running a game... should only pause when actually running a game) 3. Not in "do not disturb mode" or on calls/video calls.. I would also say.. I have a 10 license.. so kaspersky is on 10 machines.. I really dont want to have to fiddle on 10 machines (many which are not local to me) to fix configurations... the updates should work out the box and not alert/worry other users who are not as comfortable with computers as I am.
  6. My settings for update are (and always have been) "automatic" Good point... here are logs/reports on DB update.. as you can see... it updated this morning... at about the time I turned on my computer.. it was updated manually as I got the warning from windows security that DB's were out of date.. and opening Kaspersky.. also confirmed. You can also see, that the update previous to that.. was from the 8th.... which means that for the whole time my PC was on on the 9th. (about 14 hours)... it did not make any attempt to update.... which I guess is why as soon as I started machine on 10th (having been off for about 8 hours)... it tagged as out of date. (I dont know how old they have to be till it flags.. I guess over 24 hours?) .. My PC is a desktop, no settings to sleep etc when its on.. its on all day.... not a Laptop.
  7. Win 10, fully updated.. Kaspersky premium So, whats up with the automatic update schedule for the antivirus database update? My PC is on about 16 hours a day and is always connected to the internet yet recently (over that last month or so... and during this and previous version of kaspersky premium) I have had alerts from windows security (and Kaspersky itself) that my databases are out of date.... and I have noticed, that even in my PM (when PC been on about 6 hours) the database date will be from previous day and if I update manually, I get a "todays date" update. So why does Kaspersky not update more frequently.. so I dont get any warning from windows security or itself (saying "databases out of date").... just get on and do the update.? Anyone else noticed this?
  8. Just had reply from Kaspersky, again confirming they have completely misunderstood the nature of the problem ? "Thank you for your response. Sorry to hear that you're having such troubles, I’ll be here to help. My Kaspersky is unable to license and subscription status with Kaspersky servers if the device is not connected to the internet The device is not abandoned but without an internet connection, most of the protection components need to be manually updated either on the application or through My Kaspersky." And my reply (see my first post for screen shots) " Hi, Thanks for your reply.. but you again seem to have completely misunderstood the nature of the problem. The machine, when I included the screen shot.. <see message.jpg> Was perfectly connected to the internet. I was updating the Mac with latest patches.. updating office and all other updates just fine But Kaspersky would update virus definitions, but still had the issue with the subscription.. and there was no way I could find (on the machine.. or via the Mykaspersky web site interface I could see to fix the issue.) As I said, the mykaspersky web postal showed the status of the machine as <see dashboard.jpg> So it says my subscription was active on the device, with 288 days left, but it says it failed to update the subscription status (even though it was clearly connected to the internet). So: Why was it unable to update the subscription status when the machine was clearly connected to the internet just fine. As it says, it seems to suggest the machine may have been disconnected for too long…. How can that be relevant? it should be simple.. when machine does connect.. if machine is within subscription period.. it should simply update as needed and work. When it asked me to “verify the subscription manually”… how was I supposed to do this? As I said, I could find no way on the device, or through the myKaspersky portal to do this. As my daughter was just visiting, I did not have time to wait for your reply, so I reinstalled… which fixed the issue, but I want to know what went wrong, and how I was supposed to resolve. Thanks in advance and best regards."
  9. After my previous post.. I had ANOTHER problem with my premium 10 license, here is what I sent to Kaspersky "I have another problem, an amazingly annoying one. I noticed on my dashboard, my daughters Mac had an icon with a black screen and exclamation mark (you really should explain to users what all these different colours and icons mean!!). So I suspected she not used the machine for a while.. so asked her to bring it when she visited.. and sure enough.. she has not used the machine in ages.. but the machine will now not connect to Kaspersky.. and shows this message.. <see Message.jpg> So I went in the app… but it gives no way to “verify the subscription manually”.. I cant see any way to re-register (if I just add the activation key, it says it already in use and to use another!!... which is stupid) If I log into “my Kaspersky” from my machine (or her machine), It still give me no obvious way to reactivate.. it now shows… <see Dashboard.jpg> But again… I don’t seem have any button to say “yes.. I know.. its ok.. readd it and start working again”. As you can see.. it says the subscription is active for 288 days more… but still says a subscription problem. And your product should just work… if my daughter installs it on first day of subscription and turns off her machine for 360 days and turns machine on, your product should update its code and virus definition and just work… you should not insist on a machine being connected at regular intervals within the subscription period… that’s really bad. So AGAIN I have a problem with your product.. and its inability to manage it sensibly from the device or online." Anyone else seen this and have a proper solution? Kaspersky have come back with a bizarre message saying "My Kaspersky checks your devices' database status regularly to ensure they are protected with the latest updates, and there's no way around it. If a device is not turned on, it's impossible to keep it updated since there is no Internet connection inbound and outbound from the device. If My Kaspersky shows the same prompt, you can ignore it if you know the device is not being turned on in a while. Otherwise, you can turn it on briefly to let it update." Which completely misses the point... I am not saying it should update the Mac while its turned off !!!! Just that when it is turned back on, it should update, and not say its been turned off to long and so we are just going to ignore you!!! with no sensible way to recover/restart cover!!
  10. Just to close this out.. Kaspersky support did get back to me, with the response of "We received a response from our experts stating that the unwanted notification is already addressed. We suggest reinstalling the application as follows and letting us know the result." May be I am being cynical, but that sounds to me like "we have no idea.. just reinstall".. We will see... as I said, that member of the family is away from home.. so may take a while to get to them to fix.. But I am sure a reinstall will fix (though it should not be necessary).
  11. Thanks.. I have raised a ticket... you quoted the bit about renew license to stay protected... but it also says.. "Subscription: Active for 300 days more" Which is true and applies correctly and with no issues on the other 8 PC's using my sub ?‍♂️
  12. I have a 10 device Premium license.. which I share with family on their PCs (All win 10/11... up to date). Looking at "My Kaspersky" I can see it installed on 9 devices... but one of them shows with a yellow exclamation mark. When I look at the details.. it says its using my subscription... says it has 300 days left and says Kaspersky premium installed. but seems to be warning "Your licence has been converted" (presumably because it was upgraded from Kaspersky internet security) "Please renew the license to stay protected" (See screen shot)... So What it trying to say? it seems to confirm it is using the license fine.. but shows this alert... whats up? Ver of product on my PC is I dont know exactly state of PC where this alert.. this member of family lives away at the moment, but I dont know what to advise them to do.. as I am getting mixed messages from this info.
  13. @Flood and Flood's wife WoW… has that always been there? that's EXACTLY what I was looking for… I cant believe I have missed it… I must have been through every other option and just missed the one its in :( The description of “we have fixed a number of application issues” is a bit vague… but at least it is some kind of description. Apologies for ever having doubted. you have made my day :) Best regards
  14. Good and bad news… The bad news is that tech support want me to go through, disable all protection components (16 of them!!!) and then turn them on one at a time to see which one breaks it. Thats not so bad when you have a reproduceable problem, but it a real pain when you have an erratic problem like I have… But I was going to give it a go (and hope I could guess the most likely component). But the good news… when I reinstalled version it upgraded to and now, after a day of use… I dont seem to be having any problems. So the web site still makes no mention of which version is current… why they released the (a) update.. and what it fixed. So thats really bad. But it seems like my problem is fixed… I will give it another day… and if it remains fixed.. I will close ticket. Cheers
  15. @Flood and Flood's wife Thanks… I have raised a support ticket INC000012133535 Now that it is fixed by reverting back to I am not sure I will want to reinstall the new version and try reproduce etc for logs etc But lets see what they have to say. Cheers :)
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