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Everything posted by swoopy

  1. Hello What were the attached insturctions ? I've got the same issue whereby enabling TLS 1.2 on KSC but disabling 1.0 & 1.1 in the registry causes connectivity errors to KSC. Thanks.
  2. Hello We have been using KSC on-prem for many years with the MMC console. We are looking at migrating to the cloud console. My initial look at it over the past few days is that I really dislike it compared to the MMC interface. Everything is so bunched up and more difficult to read. The structure of devices doesn't appear to be as nice to view. In the MMC I can see more columns and information. I also don't seem to be able to view devices in particular group. I have got 'managed devices' which shows everything, but no way to just view devices in a subset. Am I overreacting here?
  3. Never mind. Worked it out myself! Didn’t need the “ msiexec /i "Kaspersky Network Agent.msi"” bit at the beginning. Now deployed successfully.
  4. Hello Just wondered if anyone has managed to successfully deploy the Kaspersky Network Agent.msi via Microsoft Intune? I am trying to deploy the agent over Intune with the following command run: msiexec /i "Kaspersky Network Agent.msi" /qn DONT_USE_ANSWER_FILE=1 SERVERADDRESS=my.server.address EULA=1 PRIVACYPOLICY=1 But nothing happens on the end user machines and it won’t install. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if it just won’t work. Thank you
  5. Hi Minty Thanks for your response. I’ll do some digging and see what we do / don’t have installed (I think we do already have patch a though) and I’ll also follow up with support if required. I appreciate your response, glad it’s not just me :)
  6. Hello Just wondering if anyone had a chance to look into this yet ? Thanks
  7. Hello We are running KES 11.3 on all our Windows 10 2004 PCs. I have sporadically been upgrading them using KSC12. It appears that the upgrade is successful and completes successfully as the PC automatically restarts at the end of the process. However, when the PCs boot back up, the application is not started and won’t start when you try to start it from KSC. Looking at the Kaspersky Endpoint Log in Event Viewer it just shows ‘ Application crashed during previous session’. The only ‘fix’ i seem to have found is to manually uninstall 11.4 and then install it again from KSC which then seems to work ok. Given the number of PCs I have to update though this isn’t really an option to do for them all, especially when most of them are in use all day. Can you provide any insight into why this would be happening? I’ve not had symptoms like this during any previous update. Thanks
  8. Hello. The following directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers\data\temp is taking up over 6GB of space on our exchange server. Can the contents of this folder be deleted ? Thank you
  9. Hello. We are using KSC11 with KES11. Users are reporting a popup box is appearing in the bottom right of their screens entitled 'Proxy Server'. It's headed with our proxy server IP & Port. The box is asking for a username & password. What part of the policy is asking for this information? Is there a way we can get the solution to use credentials defined on KSC11? Within our Policy Under General Settings > Network Settings > Proxy Server we have the Proxy Server set to 'Use Proxy Server' and 'Automatically Detect Proxy Server address'. Thanks
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