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  1. OK, I revisited the link that @Anton Mefodys provided and I see that I forgot to disable self defense. So I did that and stopped KAV20 then the .reg file worked. Thank you both once again. I will try and work out how to mark this as “solved”.
  2. Hi again @andrew75 and @Anton Mefodys, thank you both again for your help. I have Windows 10 on a 64-bit platform. I uninstalled KAV21 that had installed itself, rebooted and then installed KAV20. I then stopped KAV20 from running and checked the task manager to make sure. Ran the .reg file discussed earlier and it failed. Then ran regedit as administrator and found that the first key in the .reg file had been applied, but not the second one. I tried applying the second key manually in regedit but it still wouldn’t let me add it. Anyway I have rebooted and so far I still have KAV20 installed.
  3. Thanks very much Andrew75, I will uninstall KAV21, reinstall KAV20 and give it a go. I appreciate your help.
  4. Hi Anton, thanks very much for getting back to me on this, but I have KAV20 not KIS, so the instructions mentioned in the link don’t match the KAV interface. I also logged a tech support ticket and the person who responded to me basically said I just had to live with this issue. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated, as now I don’t know what to do as I still have over a year to go on 2 PCs with my KAV license. I see that the .reg file contents refer to AVP20. Does this mean the anti-virus registry settings for KAV and KIS the same for this feature?
  5. Due to this feature being removed my version 20 has just automatically been updated to version 21 which has many configuration features missing. I just hate version 21, as it is not the version I purchased. How do I get a version that doesn’t auto-update to a new version, but still keeps the database updated?
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