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Saitama Sensei

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Everything posted by Saitama Sensei

  1. so problem was in SSL encryption (could not get to encrypted sites) i investigated this further and found that AVAST was having problems with KSK disabling avast solves the problem 🤙 but any way thanks since you asked to update windows i solved the i5-7400 problem with windows 7 and now i am going to bypass 2020 update lock on 7 so you helped me anyway with motivation to update
  2. ok so just now i was able to get to webpage without encryption i think problem is in SSL? will investigate http://neverssl.com p.s. confirmed i got to other 2 websites that have no encryption so no problem with http but cant get to https
  3. thank you for replay 🤗 windows 7 X64 with 2018 year updates (i5-7400 so updates have some problem. have not fixed it yet) KSK ( E ) age is set to 17 year old Edge 83.0.478.58 (Official build) (64-bit) 84.0.522.28 (Official build) beta (64-bit) 85.0.552.1 (Official build) dev (64-bit) portable 81.0.416.62 could not install business version there are no notifications about blocked Edge. i blocked a website and then it showed (in Edge) that that page is blocked and i received a notification about blocked site but if i remove that site there are no notifications and no connection to that website i tried to go to ip address its same no internet but yesterday i was able to get to https://www.extremetech.com/ (today it is blocked) but every other site i tried (10 of them) were blocked
  4. for troubleshooting i disable every single control and option in safe kids except Web activity monitoring but i allow there every single category then i launch portable Microsoft Edge chromium (fresh, no options changed, no extensions) and internet is completely blocked on that browser. if i disable web activity internet is back... i tried 2 kaspersky accounts and its same on both. then i tried same on virtual windows and everything is perfect there what can be wrong with my windows? i suspect something should be wrong in windows internet settings since portable versions uses those settings so i tried to reset this settings but is till doesnot work p.s. i know russian if you prefer to respond on that language
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