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  1. Thank you so much for the response 🙏🤝 @Flood and Flood's wife, Thanks for the welcome, I'm excited to be here. 😄 The suggestions you have provided worked. The notification part I've point out, I mean in the windows notification center not in the kaspersky app. I've removed the "Risk tool in object field & replaced with asterisk. Removed File hash & replaced with asterisk. Saved above settings and run a quick scan & I got the desired outcome I was looking for, results are below. 👇 I've gone through the below articles to understand how to add an exclusion, but i was confused with creating name masks, objects, filehash & protection components. Could you please explain in a simple way about those four underlined terms and what they mean & how they function? https://support.kaspersky.com/help/Kaspersky/Win21.5/en-US/227390.htm https://support.kaspersky.com/help/Kaspersky/Win21.5/en-US/201385.htm https://support.kaspersky.com/KESWin/12.0/en-US/187478.htm https://encyclopedia.kaspersky.com/knowledge/the-classification-tree/
  2. I'm very much frustrated about the issue. Does't matter how many times i add a folder and file to exclusions, Whenever kaspersky scans automatically or manually it shows the same error saying "There are unprocessed objects found. I'm confused. Doesn't matter how many times i add it it shows up the same. I've added screenshots. Please assist me if I'm doing a mistake in adding exclusions.
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