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Everything posted by rafa_64

  1. Thanks Milan. Is it there a way to add different versions of the incompatible application? In the list I don’t see the specific one I am looking for. The app I want to remove varies from Malwarebytes V 3.6 to 3.7.1 Thanks,
  2. Hi, We utilize KSC 11 for deploying KNA and KES 11.2 as well as some windows 10 updates to an important number of workstations. We also have another AV solution that was installed in several machines and I would like to configure a deployment for uninstall it from most of them in one go. I would think that the process to uninstall would be opposite but similar what needs to be configured for an automatic software deployment. Thanks.
  3. Hello, Yes exact the same behaviour. I was not aware we needed to restart the machines as many times as needed to remove the alert from console. Agree it is not ideal as the updates does not seem to stack up and require just a single restart. Is this the way it works? Nevertheless we are aware of how this works now. Thank you.
  4. Might help to identify better the problem: Windows 7 - 64 bits KNA = 11 KES = 11.1
  5. Hi, We have a group of computers that have lost connection with KSC, apparently due to some issues with KNA. The attempt to uninstall the agent directly from the pcs end up with the prompt: “The installed product does not match the installation sources...” As a result, the agent cannot be uninstalled. The objective with this is to have the machine free from the faulty KNA and allow the policies to hook the machine up again and perform a fresh KNA install. In the console there are some agent related failed jobs.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion. I tried to move the machine to managed devices (inside the intended OU I can manage) but it did nothing. The command did not show any error, the machine just did not move.
  7. Here a couple of screenshots of the client pc used as example.
  8. Hi, We have some pcs that had interaction with the central server but currently appear in the Unassigned Devices container. Details of one: KNA v11 is installed (this happened automatically through programmed policies/tasks). KES was also installed automatically under a similar process. Looking at the pc, there’s an alarm asking for confirmation to install updates (KES 11.3). This looks like an independent KES action rather than a scheduled task from KNA. The machine is outside our network. Can you please advise what could have happened and what is suggested to bring it as a managed account in the console? Tks.
  9. Hi, We have several clients showing as waiting to be restarted but after doing it there is no change in the KSC. The product installed in all clients is: KES: Network Agent: We are unsure if these pcs are still under any type of risk due to the fact that are part of the alarmed ones, however we would like to fix the restart status first. Thanks.
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