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  1. @nexon … today I uninstalled Kaspersky with the removal tool, restart pc two times, looking back for some remaining folders, even registry keys… downloaded a new installer and installed. I did what you said, updated it twice, restarted twice… and the same problem appears… Let it be so… it’s not a big deal… maybe my Windows version is the reason… Anyway, thank you for your kindness in helping me!
  2. @nexon it was a clean install… I’ll do what you said, thank you very much.
  3. @nexon … from yesterday, of course I restarted my pc many times especially for that. Right now I tried again, same problem… it’s freezing. I will uninstall it and install again tomorow...
  4. @nexon...wow, I got it, yes... is kaspersky anti-virus What should I do now?
  5. I’m running KAV trial the version downloaded yesterday from the official Kaspersky website (kav20.0.14_22591--trial). I don’t know what patch-k you are talking about… Please, if you can give some remarks or even some links, I’ll appreciate this. Thank you for the answer.
  6. Hello friends, I just install Kaspersky antivirus trial, I setted it up for my needs, is awesome, I really like it. But I want to save, export my settings and it doesn’t work at all! When I’m clicking on “export”, Kaspersky is freezing, nothing works, a Windos pop-up appears, “close program”… It’s not so a big deal, but.. why doesn’t work? This doesn’t work even after reboot the pc… I Installed it on my Acer laptop i5, 8GB RAM running Windows 10 latest version 2004 on a SSD. Thank you.
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