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Everything posted by oliversl

  1. Hi Nikolay the symptom is that you can not browse to https://google.com (or any https URL) in any web browser(Safari, Chrome, Firefox), Skype does not connect. Will check is the policy export contain any personal info and upload later. The issue is resolved by restarting the computer. And the issue appears after sleeping and waking up the Mac during several days of use. Is there a way to gather information about the situation in KES for Mac? Thanks, Oliver
  2. Hi, I have some users reporting that https does not work. Its the KES11 for Mac that is blocking the traffic, after a reboot all woks fine again. Is there any know issues with https on KES 11 for Mac on Mojave? Many thanks, Oliver
  3. Hi Nikolay, for me is difficult to check if the KES is scanning an App, that's why I wanted to confirm the correct syntax. But will try using the Trusted apps to see if they work fine. Will report back Regards, Oliver
  4. Hi, I’m trying to add an exclusion to the Trusted Zone, on macOS Mojave. I want KES to ignore one App and his data folder. The App and Data folder names have spaces, like this: App: “/Applications/My App.app/” Data: “/Users/f_lastname/Library/Application Support/My App/” Thanks Oliver
  5. Hi, I wonder how can I exclude an app and a folder in macOS, running KES 11 connected to KSC 10? For the app is easy because the path is always the same: /Applications/… For the user data, that is located in /Users/username/Library, I need to mask the username in macOS. Many thanks, Oliver
  6. Hi, a MacBook Pro with Mojave and KES 11 for mac, blocks Safari.app traffic on port 443, for example to google.com The solution is the restart the Mac. The problem appears after many sleep/wake up of the Mac during the day. Anyone has a fix? Regards, Oliver
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