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  1. Olá, Comprei o Kaspersky Plus Premium alguns dias atrás e instalei tudo. Moro no Brasil, mas não sou brasileiro e quero mudar o software para inglês. Infelizmente, não consigo encontrar uma opção para mudar o idioma. Na documentação na área de suporte, encontrei apenas opções para outras versões do Kaspersky, mas não para o novo PLUS. Alguém pode me ajudar? Obrigado
  2. Hello again, I thought I did share the actual error (screenshot) but either way, I get that other providers also have issues. The problem is that they are all wrong in the end. Cloudflare is one of the biggest and most respected hosting providers in the world and of course, some bad apples host bad files on hosting setups like that. But it's wrong in my opinion to flag the entire domain for that. This means in the end that 99% of innocent clients have issues and the entire hosting service is rendered useless. Instead, only single URLs should be flagged if something was found. But I doubt there is a solution.
  3. Hi guys, We display a lot of images from different third-party web applications. Many of them use IPFS servers like CloudFlare IPFS (https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/) for their image hosting. When we display those images now on our system our members get from Kaspersky Total Security a warning for those images and they get blocked or not processed. The interesting thing is that the same image on ipfs.io dont creates any issue or warning. For some reason only IPFS files from Cloudflare cause the warning. Is there anything that we could do? I believe those warnings are false positives and we are talking only about images that are hosted on IPFS. Thank you for some more information in advance
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