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Everything posted by molann.

  1. Looks like you`re being asked to enter password for you MyK account, the one you attached using your facebook email. When you first done this you should have also specified a password. Anyways, now you can just restore that password for this account and then keep it safe:). Alternatively you can get polish Secure Connection distributives here: https://www.kaspersky.pl/secure-connection But in order to use premium version you will still need to connect the apps to you MyK account (the one with facebook email). Hope this helps. Let us know if you need more details.
  2. That`s cool, thanks for the info. Are you using US location or some other?
  3. Hi. Netflix is actively banning all VPN services used to access its services. So each VPN provider is constantly doing some tricks to keep it working somehow for its users. As far as I`ve heard Kaspersky is also working in this direction in attempt to make Netflix working for their users. So far it would probably be reasonable to ask Netflix some questions:) The more they have - the more are chances they would consider unbanning VPNs.
  4. Hi. Your questions are totally reasonable and been raised at gplay several times. In general confusion mostly comes from Android`s permission name. KSC app requires just an access to phone`s IMEI number, which is used to generate an ID, necessary for app to operate. However just getting access to this value (=IMEI) is not possible on Android w\o permission or via a separate clear permission. Instead it is a part of "phone" permission. BTW, Kaspersky team is already working on removing this permission request in future versions.
  5. Не волнуйтесь, всё будет ок. Поддержка этих протоколов на роутере тут не причём - это влияет только на поддерживаемые роутером протоколы для подключения к провайдеру. VPN на конечных устройствах работает поверх инет-канала роутера на более высоком уровне.
  6. Both Google and Apple require sign-in to their respective accounts to use appstores. This is not Kaspersky requirement nor issue. On Android (at your own risk) you can do sideload - i.e. install an app not from GPlay but as a distributive (similar to Windows) - it is .apk file. You can google for Kaspersky Secure Connection apk, here is one of such links for you convenience: https://www.apkmirror.com/?post_type=app_release&searchtype=apk&s=kaspersky+vpn On iOS AFAIR sideload requires a rooted device, so it`s much easier to use Apple`s account anyway. On Windows Kaspersky VPN doesn`t require Microsoft account - you can just download it from Kaspersky site and that`s it. Link was provided in previous replies, here it is again: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/thank-you/free-vpn-secure-connection-pc
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