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  1. Подожду следующее обновление, может быть оно исправит проблему. Было бы здорово встроить кнопку "Восстановить проверку из контекстного меню" в настройки раздела "Проверка из контекстного меню".
  2. После последнего обновления от 14/08/2024 с 21.17.хх до пропала проверка из контекстного меню. Благодарю за разработку и поддержку! Радости, Счастья и Удовлетворённости! Ресурсов для благополучной жизни!)
  3. По логике, когда защита отключена, никаких проверок быть не должно: максимум, что должен делать анти-вирус - это защищать себя (self-protection concept). Чтобы избежать этих неочевидных проверок соединений браузера, когда защита отключена, приходится вносить целевые браузеры в список исключений. Прошу исправить эту ошибку и добавить явную опцию "Проверять сетевые соединения даже при отключенной защите", отключенную по умолчанию. Проявляется в версиях 21.х.х для Windows [Version 10.0.22621.3155]. Благодарю за разработку и поддержку! Радости, Счастья и Удовлетворённости! Ресурсов для благополучной жизни!)
  4. OS & software are all up-to-date. It is not browser problem, it is problem of KSC Web-Antivirus & any browser VPN extension interaction. The right HTTPS chain can't be created: browser <-> VPN extension <-> KSC Web-Antivirus.
  5. Security Cloud blocks AdGuard VPN extension. If KSC Exclusions are setup to exclude HTTPS traffic check for IP adresses:,, for Opera browser and then applied - it hangs Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service, which begins to consume ~20-25% of CPU : Description The program avpui.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Security and Maintenance control panel. Process ID: 413c Start Time: 01d905bbd868b8a4 Termination Time: 27 Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security Cloud 21.3\avpui.exe Report Id: 12723c1f-8045-4af8-8857-a2d3bbe9827d Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: Hang type: Unknown Remedy: Let AdGuard VPN program and/or browser extension to hook traffic and set connection earlier than KSC Web-Antivirus. After pause & resume KSC protection the problem disappeared / Disable Web-Antivirus in KSC. It would be nice to have predefined setup presets for most popular VPN programs & browser extensions. It would be nice, that KSC scans & automatically adjusts such settings to be compatible & compliant with the software VPN providers, and shows notification to user about possible incompatibilities & problems. Is it possible to make special exclusion page/option for browser extensions, where user can choose browser and extension and all the exclusions (don't check traffic of Chrome browser flowing via AdGuard VPN extension, for e.g.)? Thank you for development & support. Joy, Happiness and Satisfaction! Resources for prosperous life!)
  6. \Microsoft\Windows\Maps MapsUpdateTask via Scheduler might be temporary disabled, until ongoing MicroSoft patch.
  7. Thank you for development & support! It helped, but I wonder why does it affect KVRT so dramatically? And I wish you integrate automated telemetry and recovery (like ‘Waas Medic Agent‘ tends to be).
  8. Additionally BITS service should be restarted to remove all jobs. C:\WINDOWS\system32>bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose BITSADMIN version 3.0 BITS administration utility. (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. Listed 0 job(s).
  9. Looks like it barely helps? : C:\WINDOWS\system32>bitsadmin /reset BITSADMIN version 3.0 BITS administration utility. (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 0 out of 0 jobs canceled. C:\WINDOWS\system32> bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose ... 125296 / 125296 WORKING https://t0.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/odvs/gd?pv=1&r=10,1133,9898045,0 -> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MapData\\mapscache\BitsTemp\{B30C3DA0-C5DF-4E46-9978-C71C2A8464AA}.tmp 77213 / 77213 WORKING https://t0.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/odvs/gd?pv=1&r=10,1133,39592177,0 -> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MapData\\mapscache\BitsTemp\{4C6476AD-9F67-4074-965A-B248C5C0FE5C}.tmp 79610 / 79610 WORKING https://t0.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/odvs/gd?pv=1&r=10,1133,39592179,0 -> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MapData\\mapscache\BitsTemp\{E5B48F9C-529E-4AE5-B021-F808E2BA84E9}.tmp 72212 / 72212 WORKING https://t0.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/odvs/gd?pv=1&r=10,1133,39592182,0 -> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MapData\\mapscache\BitsTemp\{F14CE86F-DF51-48AD-B312-DF39114E62B4}.tmp NOTIFICATION COMMAND LINE: none owner MIC integrity level: SYSTEM owner elevated ? true This job is read-only to the current CMD window because the job's mandatory integrity level of SYSTEM is higher than the window's level of HIGH. Peercaching flags Enable download from peers :false Enable serving to peers :false CUSTOM HEADERS: NULL Listed 1 job(s).
  10. Ok, send them. It’s impossible to attach files to personal message.
  11. They absent, the only files are: {6E749465-4698-4379-A20E-EE68B7E552E8}.tmp {8BE12DE8-9BF9-45BA-B4E7-493F3D872C6B}.tmp
  12. And there is another strange behaviour of KVRT - it tends to write access to \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 and is blocked by Windows Defender.
  13. It would be nice to have automated telemetry in the tool. The size of traces is huge 1.5Gb , though it is 7zipped into 9 volumes by 5Mb allowed here per attachment and zipped as .7z is prohibited.
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