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little vex

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  1. its windows 10 family , 19045 ------------------- till now, it might works good. ---------------------- here is the process the first 40minutes (maybe 37) after clear the reports, it seems nothing happened, and i try to download some "virus file" to make sure if that part of "reports function " works. and still not work, just show " reports has been cleared" , other parts works good. so i exit the " kas application " , but things still like it was. i exit and restart app about 3~4 times, download "virus file" and detection and let "kas" to delete it. "that part reports" still not show anything, i just put it background and do nothing. then , after 40minutes , some convention decect reports shows (havent restart my computer ) maybe " setting has self-repair " or just " reports file bugs" ? , tell me pls and if needs somethings like setting now, tell me too . ------------- till now, altough use "scan" then find virus will not show in "file anti-virus function" ( i doubt if the function logic in 21.16 has changed?) other things can be reported. thanks for help 🙂
  2. i update to,but it seem not works . i will export the lately config in google drive( if possible in kas_forum ,tell me, or use email , its ok) https : //drive.google.com/file/d/1gjXFrrY_KgHZJLgPqRAh5Rp8yLv6UuE9/view?usp=sharing
  3. likes the title, and the kaspersky version is free version heres the picture,and sorry for not english picture,because i didnt find a way to change whole kaspersky to english version the function in pic_1 is "application anti-virus(i think?)" , too in pic_2; the function in pic_3 and other function like "safe internet " ,"ems anti-virus", "amsi protect" , "update" and so on are all works good just "application anti-virus" has this problem: ------ seems the whole year 2024 reports are not read in kaspersky application i notice there are 2 button "update" and "export reports" "update" is useless, but "export reports" can let me read these lately reports in txt. so its strange if " reports file " are not "damaged" and just one function in kas app cant read it . im not sure about if i saw its works fine in the early year, i just cant remember,but its in March , i seem its strange, and i realize there is a problem i just can guess may be "setting--read file" or "reports in file format damaged" ? if there are any similar problems? .
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