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  1. I dont know if you guys also realize that, every policy that set in KES Cloud Console also did not push to the endpoint using 11.7. And also this weird bug, when im opening my Google Workspace (Gmail for business) it never ending shows its loading icon on the taskbar, uninstalling kes 11.7 solve the issues
  2. Dear All, im managing my customer Kaspersky Security Center 12. So when i got the news 11.5 version has been released, i started to download and install. And of course, assign the usual stuff the update task virus scan task, policy etc. But then on my update task where i assign the update schedule to "When new updates are downloaded to the repository" it somehow got an error saying that “cannot start two task at the same time”. Upon further checking, i saw that in 11.5, the update task are already there came by default set to auto. Which causes it to clash with my schedule update task. Now my question, is this means, if all the pc in the network has direct Internet connection, it didn't need to be assign update task schedule anymore? as there's already a default one in 11.5 themselves?
  3. Im Not Kaspersky, but encryption is not a malware. The Malware that you downloaded is the malware. So unless Kaspersky are there and active before and during you download the Malware, there's no use installing it after the encryption has been done. Antivirus function is to prevent the download of the trojan that began download the ransomware. When ransomware start encrypt, there's no way to recover unless you got the decryption key.
  4. Dear All, I would like to clarify regarding the topic above. Is Kaspersky Security for Mobile which is part of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud has Mugshot features? I read here in “Features” tab, it should have mugshot features https://www.kaspersky.com/small-to-medium-business-security/mobile-device But in the KESC console, I didn't find such features on my android protection; So I wonder If these features available in KESC or not?
  5. i have a few PC that on our branch offices. And the branch office internet and network are not connected to the HQ network. So I have made change the default configuration of the network agent installer by replacing the default internal HQ internal KSC Host IP, to the static Public IP that has properly setup to point to the KSC Host. Then create installer package, which then I used to install to the Branch PCs. The connection are successful. But I wonder if this the proper way? I tried to sent install KES install command over the internet through KSC, but it always failed.
  6. Hi good day everyone. Im looking for a way to properly setup the network agent connection profile for laptop which change based on the internet gateway. For example, when the laptop are within the network, it will communicate with KSC Host via internal IP. But when the laptop are brought home, when the gateway change, the laptop will automatically change connection to point to KSC Host Public Static IP. So now I have set the profile, but for the time being id say, it probably wrongly setup or not working at all. I tried go through the documentation and support, but id say, it kind of confusing, maybe it just confusing for a beginner like me? This is how I set it up (Please take note I didn't tick “out-of-office mode” because after reading support section, its quite confusing how this option works, If you think i need to enable it in order for this settings to works, do let me know). Connection profiles, i put off site PC containing the public Static IP of the KSC server. In the picture below is how I set up the connection profile. Under administration server connection profiles, in my custom “off site” profile. In the red dot, i placed the public static IP. I also didn't tick “out office mode” and “receive update” because i kind of confuse what this 2 function are even after reading at support site. Below this shows the condition i set for the network agent to automatically change the profile. I set the rules, if the default connection gateway address is not match with the above list, the connection will change to Off Site Pc profile.I confirmed that this is not firewall issues, because for the desktop pc that are on the branch office that are not connected to HQ Network, i created special Network agent that point directly towards the KSC Public Static IP and it can communicate back to KSC Server. So it meant the Static Public IP is properly working and the port are properly routed. So can anyone guide me on this?
  7. Dear All, My client company facing a malware infestation issues on their network. This infestation happened before the came to me to use Kaspersky products. And they have been infected by this brontok viruses. First of all their Kaspersky subscription are not covering all of their PC within their network due to their budget issues, and currently we are still coordinating with them to deploy Kaspersky Free on the remaining unprotected PC. So you should understand, at least 60 PC are protected by Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.3 and some protected by KES 10 due to still using old OS such as Win 7 no SP and there's maybe around 10 more that still unprotected by any AV. So now moving to the issues, the detection rate of brontok viruses has reach almost 1 million in their network. Sound good that Kaspersky can detect and delete the brontok, but what make things weird is that, the detection keep coming from the same PC and the same folder and location again and again and again. And even though i launch full scan, advance disinfection, Kaspersky successfully detect and delete the brontok, but, it kept poping out again few minutes later. We suspected that there's might me somehow Kaspersky might has missed one of the brontok bodies in the PC that might cause it continuously popup again and again on the same location. is there anyway that we can somehow troubleshoot and find the root cause of this infestation? Can anyone guide me how to find and cleaning up once and for all? Picture below is the report from KSC on detected thread, the picture shown detection on 22nd of June Morning, 24th of June Morning and 24th Of June on the afternoon. The Kaspersky seems to found the Brontok at the same location each time it detected it. The detection below came from the same PC. And Everyday Kaspersky detect and delete the Malware but it like keep poping up again and again.
  8. Hi, As far as i know, as a reseller and technical support in Malaysia that manage many on premise Kaspersky Endpoint Solution, its impossible unless you originally you have external internet facing domain or IP that has been set to point to KSC. But even if you have one, if you didn't set the task for the Kaspersky Network Agent to point to that external domain or IP when they at your network before they going out of your network, it also did not work. So based on your situation, if you have setup the internet-facing setting for KSC, then you just need to recreate installer with an agent that point towards the external ip and sent it to the off-network employee and reinstall the KES. Other than that, i don't think there's any other ways, except you your self remote to each of the employees PC and activate using keyfiles and delete the keyfiles manually 1 after another. Or another way is the employees connect to the internal company network via VPN during the license distribution task. If you find it a hassle, then the other alternative is to considered to change to Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud
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