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  1. Hi @Ian_D, Microsoft has released a preview update KB5007253 to resolve the issue. It is not yet available in WSUS but we manually imported it into WSUS and tested the update on a few clients. From our testing it seems to work great and Kaspersky will successfully update to 11.7. Edit: We are running Windows 10 21H2, 21H1 and 20H2.
  2. Hi @Ian_D, Thank you for the information and I'll be awaiting the fix from Microsoft.
  3. @Ian_D, Thank you for the information. Yes our machines receive updates regularly. I can check a few machines and see if this is the case for us. Also would that fix be from Microsoft with an update or something from Kaspersky that I need to watch for?
  4. When wanting to start the deployment to upgrade 11.6 installed clients to version 11.7 it fails with the message that the computer must be restarted before installation. Using KSC or a development package this message comes up. I have tried to restart several computers multiple times but this keeps coming backup. I tested the KAVRemover tool and after that rebooted the computer and installed from a deployment package and that seems to work but I hope I am not required to do all these computers the manual route so I hope that there is a solution? Thank you in advance, Jeffrey
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